No. 2
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch
No. 5 [
Vancouver Island] of the
30th of July
announcing the intention of Her Majesty's Government to send to
Columbia, by the earliest possible opportunity an Officer of Royal
Engineers, and a company of Sappers and Miners made up
to to one hundred and
fifty non-commissioned Officers and men, and at the same time conveying
your instructions that I should make such arrangements in the Colony for
the reception of that party, as may be deemed necessary and suitable, and
also intimating that the Officer in command would be provided with
general instructions for his guidance, of which a copy will be sent to
2. I shall not fail to attend to those instructions with as little
delay as possible, but I have not yet decided on the point where it would
be advisable to station that force,
though though I am now of opinion that their
presence will be of more advantage to the public service at
Fort Hope,
than elsewhere, that being a central position from whence they can
operate rapidly on any part of
Fraser's River, and at the same time it is
accessible to the steam vessels plying on
Fraser's River, a circumstance
which would be a great convenience, and a saving of expense in
the transport of provisions and stores.
I will however consult
Major Hawkins, and ascertain his opinion on
that subject before coming to a decision, and also with respect to the
extent and plan of buildings required to provide the party
with with
The expense of those works will be considerable, and I will be under
the necessity of drawing upon you for funds to meet that outlay.
Minutes by CO staff
This may after being read be put by?
Yes. I wish we could put by the expense too.