29 October 1858
My dear Sir,
I have received 'The printed Scheme of Hong Kong
and the report of the Commission of
on the state of the
Gold fields in
Victoria, which you have kindly forwarded with
your private note of the
1st of September, and you have
my cordial thanks for that and former considerate attention.
I am at present in great perplexity for want of
efficient efficient
help, having neither the assistance of a Colonial Secretary,
Treasurer or Accountant, while it would require a full staff
of efficient Officers, to perform the duties that now devolve
upon me alone, a misfortune for myself and the Country, as
both suffer in consequence of that want.
The class of men who are mining in
Fraser's River are
composed of all nations, some of them no doubt, respectable, but
when I landed at
Fort Yale in my late journey to
Fraser's River,
it struck me that I had never before seen a crowd of more ruffianly
looking men, than were assembled on that occasion.
About 3000 were present, and to add to the horror of the
scene, many of them were drunk; things however, wore a better
appearance next day, and after saying a few kind words to them,
they were profuse in acclamations, and did, at my command, give
three cheers for
the Queen, but evidently with a bad grace. There
is a strong American feeling among them, and they will require
constant watching, until the English element preponderates in
the Country. Let me therefore have the assistance of Officers,
capable of managing the subordinate departments, of drafting
dispatches and so forth, so as to leave me time for the executive
functions of Government which are more than enough to
occupy occupy my
attention. Pray be kind enough to let me know in what way I can
serve you, as I am sure it will give me infinite pleasure to do so.
I have received your note enclosing a Copy of a private letter
Mr Begbie, and much regret that gentleman's illness, which
I trust will not be
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
In a public Despatch 544, sent forward today, the
Govr asks
that an Attorney General, Colonial Secretary & Treasurer may be
appointed. The last named Officer sailed in
I have answered all this in another Minute.
The Desp: with the Minute to which
Sir Ed. refers is in