No. 17
5 November 1858
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No 12 of the 2nd of September last, transmitting to me a copy of a letter from the Aborigines Protection Society, invoking the protection of HerMajesty'sManuscript image Majesty's Government on behalf of those people. 1
2. While you do not wish to be understood as adopting the views of the Society, as to the means by which that may be best accomplished, you express a wish that the subject should have my prompt and careful consideration, and I shall not fail to give the fullest effect to your instructions on that head, as soon as the present pressure of business has somewhat abated. I may however remark, that the Native Indian Tribes are protected in all their interests to theutmostManuscript image utmost extent of our present means.
I have etc.
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Merivale
Should the substance of Par: 2 be communicated to the Aborigines Protection Society?
VJ 17 Jan
Not necessary I think. This will be sufficient to furnish an answer to any questions on the subject in Parlt.
C Jany 18
Print for Pa[r]l.
EBL 19
  1. = Aborigines Protection Society (Lytton to Douglas CO 398/1, p. 65, 2 September 1858). The enclosure, n.d., appears in British Columbia, Papers Connected with the Indian Land Question, 1850-1875 (Victoria: Government Printer, 1875). The Aborigines Protection Society was formed in England in 1837 by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, a well-known advocate of the abolition of slavery who headed a royal commission that year to inquire into the treatment of native populations in various British colonies. The society sought to improve the conditions of natives in British colonies, while encouraging evangelicalism. By the 1840's, the society concerned itself with the effect of colonial self-government on natives. See Raymond M. Cooke, British Evangelicals and the Issue of Colonial Self-Government, Pacific Historical Review, 34 (May 1965): 127-40. See also Aborigines' Protection Society, Aborigines' Friend and the Colonial Intelligencer, January-June 1859 (London: Aborigines' Protection Society, 1859). Better reference ??
People in this document

Carnarvon, Earl

Chesson, Frederick William

Douglas, Sir James

Jadis, Vane

Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer

Merivale, Herman

Places in this document

British Columbia

Vancouver Island


Douglas, Sir James to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 5 November 1858, CO 60:1, no. 536, 366. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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