No. 25
In reply to your Despatch N
o 14 of the 2
nd of September
Print for Parlt immediately with other correspondence.
transmitting copy of a letter which you addressed to
Colonel Moody on the
subject of granting land, on certain conditions to the Non Commissioned
Officers and
men of the Royal Engineers who are to be employed in
Columbia, and instructing me to report to you my opinion whether it would
be desirable to grant
on the purchase of land—to retired Officers of the Army and Navy, as was
formerly the custom in many of the British Colonies—I have the honor to
state, that without having had opportunities of acquiring information on
the subject of your Despatch, I am strongly biased in favor of extending
the system of locating retired Officers of the Army and Navy in
Columbia, and of making grants to the men of the Royal
Engineers, of
small portions of agricultural land, on condition of residence and
military service within the Colony, if called upon.
2. I think it especially desirable to introduce the remission
system into
British Columbia, for the purpose of adding a respectable
British element to the population, and thereby infusing and encouraging
sentiments of attachment and loyalty to the Crown. I think the
advantages greatly outweigh any inconvenience that may in future arise to
the Colony from the introduction of the system, seeing as suggested in
your Despatch, that the privilege of granting remissions on the purchase
of land to
retired officers, might for a time be secured to Military
settlers, even should the Crown lands be hereafter made over to the
3. I now submit a list of the officers for civil situations
immediately required in the New Colony—feeling assured however, that
circumstances will soon render it necessary to allow a complete civil
Mr Begbie will as you have so kindly arranged lend his
general aid for the compilation of the necessary laws and other legal
business, properly coming within the range of duties discharged by the
Attorney General, but as he cannot engage in conducting
suits on the part
of the Crown; it is obvious that the appointment of a Law Officer for the
Crown is immediately required. I would thus suggest the following
An Attorney General
A Colonial Secretary
A "
A "
The pay of those officers must necessarily be regulated by the expense of
living in the Colony. A gentleman may live in England on an income of
£1000 a year, with far more comfort than an income of £1800 would command
in this Country.
5. As the Attorney General and Colonial Secretary will
hold offices which should be
filled by gentlemen of the best
education and ability, I think that such men may not be disposed
to accept of a less valuable appointment and perhaps the
who will have to find heavy securities, may be included in the
same category.
6. The pay of the Accountant may be regulated by the pay
allowed to the higher appointments, and probably about
£700 a year, may be considered a fair compensation for that official.
7. I will take the liberty of addressing you further
on the wants of the Colony as they occur.
8. The want of efficient assistance, the multiplicity of the duties
devolving on me, and the journeys I have been compelled to make into the
gold regions—for the enforcement of law and order—must plead my excuse
for not addressing you more frequently on the affairs of the Colony,
though the reports of my two journeys to
Fraser's River, embody almost
the whole amount of reliable information that can yet be given in respect
to the value and extent of the gold fields.
I will however hereafter prepare a brief
report on that subject by
every mail.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
I presume that so much of this Desp: as relates to the remission on the
price of land purchased by Military & Naval Settlers should be referred
to the Emigration Commissrs? In the latter portion of the Desp: the
Govr suggests two or three new appointments.
Mr Merivale
I think that you have overlooked this desp. but before
passing it on to
Sir E. Lytton I s
d be glad to have your opinion.
1. On the remission system—of wh the Colonial Office
has had experience.
2. The propriety of affording
Govr Douglas some additional
assistance for the discharge of his duties. I am, as I think you know,
persuaded of the necessity of giving this assistance so far as he is
personally concerned but this desp. raises the important question of
a large accession to the civil
Govt of the Colony.
3. We cannot obtain good men; unless we give them sufficient
salaries: but our scale of salary has been I think so low as yet (with
perhaps the exception of
Col. Moody) that large salaries to new officials
will disturb the existing proportions & involve a remodelling of the
whole system. How is this to be dealt with?
Lord Carnarvon
1. The application of the remission system for officers & location
system for men form a question on which the L
d & Em. board are
peculiarly qualified to advise. As far as my own experience goes, I
agree with the Governor that the remission system is on the whole
desirable. The
location of men on small lots is much more
doubtful in my opinion. Old soldiers make very bad and very grumbling
colonists. But there is no doubt that sappers & miners are better
qualified for this purpose than other soldiers, & the advantages of the
scheme may counterbalance the costs.
2. As to civil assistance, I think the Governor
peculiarly & urgently requires the help of a private Secy
with a salary of, say £300 per annum.
2. An Attorney General ought in my opinion to be content
with £400 or 500 per annum and practice. I know the
objections to the latter: but it is a choice of evils.
3. I think one man should combine the functions of
Colonial Secretary, and of what the Governor calls accountant,
by which I suppose he mean[s] an auditor. Salary about 800 per annum.
But I do not see any way to appointing these officers without
securing them salary for one or two years on the Parl
y estimates.
It seems to me quite uncertain what revenue
B. Columbia may afford.
If we are resolved on the cheap system, then there is nothing for it
but to do what, I apprehend, the Americans would do: tell the Governor
that he may have the assistance of civil officers, if he can find them
and pay them.
Sir Edward Lytton
You will best know what can be done with regard to this

last point. If
it be possible to secure part at least of the Salary of the Colonial Sec.
and the Attorney
Genl on the parliamentary vote it is undoubtedly
advisable in as much as the efficient administration of these
offices—but under present circumstances particularly that of Col.
Secy—is of the deepest importance to the Colony and may save us many
future difficulties. Cheap functionaries, like most other cheap
articles, entail so many indirect expenses that in the long run they
become very costly.
As regards the private
Secy—unless we can send out
Douglas some efficient man, and no such person is likely to
go only on the trust of Colonial payment—it
wd I think
be right to authorise him to obtain the best assistant he
can on the spot at a salary not exceeding £300 but to be
defrayed from local revenues. This I think due to the
and at the same time is good policy for the peace & prosperity
of the Colony clearly depend upon his personal life and I do not
[First part of this minute missing] must also consider that all
charges for roads, public works & build
gs must be found out of Col.
funds, & that all which I do not authorize as charged for in estimates he
must provide for or do without till he gets a revenue.
Mr M. would
sneer less at the economical system if he had to fight Estimates thru'
the H of C. & Estimates which as yet have had no parl
y sanction.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Emigration Commissioners,
14 February 1859,
forwarding extract of the despatch for observations.
Minutes by CO staff
Sir E. Lytton
I am informed that you have settled with
Mr Elliot to apply to
t for a vote for certain public Officers of
B. Columbia,
amongst whom, I presume, will be the Attorney General.
I minuted on a desp. from B.C. several days
that such an appointment seemed required.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Gosset, Captain William Driscoll
Jadis, Vane
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fraser River
Vancouver Island