No. 27
1. I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of
your Despatch No 16 of the
2nd Septr
explanatory of the legal position which I now fill in the
Colony of
British Columbia and the nature of the forms
and duties demanding my immediate attention.
2. The
2. The instructions contained in your Despatch in
reference to the discharge of those duties will receive
early attention; and with that view I purpose to proceed
in a few days hence to
British Columbia to make formal
proclamation of the Act of Parliament under which the
Colony is to be governed. I feel exceedingly obliged
to you for your kindness in explaining the necessity
and consequences of that formal proclamation of the Act,
and of the proclamation of indemnity which I shall
afterwards issue, in protecting myself, and my
subordinate officers from legal proceedings.
3. I shall also not fail to attend to your
further instructions respecting the establishment of
Courts of justice; defining miners rights by
positive regulations, instead of allowing them to
grow up by mere custom or accident and the
establishment of a Police Force; which as you will
observe by my previous communications have been, to
some extent, already executed, but will be more
perfectly carried into effect, upon the arrival of
Mr Begbie, an event which I anticipate with
satisfaction, as affording
a prospect of relief from
the burthens now borne by the Executive alone.
4. In another communication
mentioned my intention to proclaim the revocation of
the Hudson's Bay Company's License of Trade in a
few days, though practically it has already ceased to exist.
5. The extensive powers which Her Majesty's
Government have intrusted to me, will be used
discreetly and with moderation, and you may rely
that every thing in my power shall be done to
prove that Her Majesty's Government have acted
judiciously in
taking such measures for the
protection of the country, in circumstances unusual,
and of the greatest possible difficulty.
Minutes by CO staff
This is all satisfactory but hardly anything I think need be done?