No. 35
I have to communicate for your information, that I advised
Capt. Grant, the Officer commanding the Detachment of Royal
Engineers, who lately arrived here for the service of the
Colony of
British Columbia, to proceed without delay to
Fort Langley
Fraser's River and to put up buildings there for
the accommodation of his own party and of the other troops
expected from England, as by taking those steps I was of
opinion he would be carrying out to the letter the wishes
of Her Majesty's Government, the instructions of
Col. Moody
his Commanding Officer, and my own views with respect to the
requirements of
British Columbia.
Captain Grant coinciding with me in those views, it
was arranged that the whole detachment of Royal Engineers should
be transported with all their stores, provisions for four months,
and building materials for the construction of several wooden
houses of respectable size to
Fort Langley, an arrangement which
was successfully, and at once, carried into effect.
3. I have further chartered the Hudson's Bay Company's
used hitherto as a revenue-vessel, to
lodge the troops, until houses are erected for their
accommodation so that they are thoroughly protected from the
and made as comfortable as circumstances will permit.
4. The men are in high spirits and in perfect health.
5. I also made a requisition on
Admiral Baynes for a
to remain with the troops.
Trusting these proceedings may meet with your approbation.
Other documents included in the file