No. 42
1. I have the honor of forwarding herewith for your information
copies of two Proclamations issued respectively on the 2nd and
3rd days of December instant.
2. The first relates to
the conveyance of Crown Lands, and its
object is explained in the accompanying note from
3. The other Proclamation issued yesterday is for the purpose
of imposing duties on Imports into
British Columbia, to provide a
revenue for defraying the public expenses of the
4. The ordinance is to remain in force for six months to test
its operation, and it will then be amended, or continued in its
present form as may appear expedient.
6. Hoping that those proceedings may meet with the approval
of Her Majesty's Government.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale,
Mr Elliot
Refer the Proclamation for the conveyance of the Crown Lands to
the Land Board.
Refer the Proclamation imposing duties on imports to the
Treasury. (Register the same in our Books.)
It is to be remembered that these Proclamations are to be laid
before Parliament "as soon as conveniently may be after the
making thereof." This should clearly be done before
ultimate confirmation and as soon as a tolerable number are collected.
Par: 5 to the Board of Trade.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
14 February 1859,
forwarding extract of despatch concerning imposition of duty on imports.
Merivale to Emigration Commissioners,
14 February 1858,
forwarding extract of despatch concerning conveyance of Crown Lands.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
2 December 1858, enabling the governor
to convey crown lands within
British Columbia.
Proclamation, 3 December 1858, imposing customs duties on imports.
Begbie to
1 December 1858, recommending a
proclamation "empowering some person or persons to convey the legal
estate in Crown Lands which may have been contracted to be sold."