No. 56
1. Your Despatch No 30 of the 16th October, I have perused
with the greatest interest and
2. I acknowledge with gratitude the effective steps which you
have taken to support my authority and
the various measures which you
have adopted to aid me in the arduous task of organizing the
government of the Colony.
3. In a former communication to you I mentioned the arrival in
this Colony of
Admiral Baynes in his Flag Ship the "
Ganges," and I
recall with pleasure the cordial and hearty manner in which he
entered into my views and lent to their execution all the support in
his power.
4. He remained in this Colony upwards of two months
and, sailed for
on the
22nd of Instant; the "
Tribune" and "
ordered from China to this station being then daily expected here, though
the two latter vessels have not yet arrived.
5. I have therefore in obedience to your instructions in reference
to this point to report to you that H.M. Ships "
Satellite" and "
are the only Queen's Ships at present in this harbour and that as yet
no ships designed for the especial support of the civil government
have arrived here.
6. That statement is not made with the view of urging
complaint of neglect, as you will observe by my correspondence with
Admiral Baynes before his departure, that with the force at my
disposal, I did not apprehend any immediate danger of the authority of
Government being set at naught, especially as the "
Tribune" and
Pylades" were known to be on their way to this Colony; at the
same time I represented to him the great importance of having a
respectable naval force collected here in Spring, when a very large
immigration for
British Columbia may be looked for, and I rely on
his taking the necessary measures to assemble that force in this
neighbourhood before the emergency presents itself.
7. My anxiety to avoid making exaggerated demands on you for
military assistance has probably led me into the opposite extreme
of asking for too small a number of troops, and I admit the wisdom
of the course you have taken in completing the present military
force intended for the service of this Colony to 150 men instead
of the number suggested in my
It is certainly advisable in the actual state of the
to err on the safe side, and to maintain a respectable military
force, in order that the power as well as the dignity of the
British Government may be represented.
However effective an
undi[s]ciplined civilian force may be found in a well regulated
community, of persons, bound to their country and institutions by
the ties of early association and affection; the same force would
I apprehend prove insufficient to maintain law and order in
British Columbia, among an alien population composed of all nations.
8. I gratefully
appreciate the unceasing care and pains which
you have devoted to the hastening of the necessary preparations for
the departure of the main body of troops and of the instalments of
20 and 12 men under
Captains Parsons and
Grant, who I am glad to
say are in good health, and spirits, and busily engaged at this
present time in erecting houses for themselves and the main body
of Engineers at
Fort Langley.
9. I have perused with great attention your remarks indicating
the policy you wish to be observed
in the employment and explaining
the objections to the use of a royal military force in the collection
of revenue, and as my own views on those subjects accord in all
respects with the instructions in your Despatch, I will not fail in
carrying them fully into effect. In no instance have we resorted to
the employment of a military force, except when the civil power was
found insufficient to ensure obedience to the Law, and even in those
cases, it was regarded as subsidiary to the ordinary means of
enforcing obedience.
10. It
10. It was in fact our constant policy to keep this small
military force in the Colony withdrawn from view, in order that its
strength might be measured by the imagination more than by the reason
of the stronger populace.
11. I have had much communication with
Mr Brew, on the
subject of forming an effective Police for service in
Columbia; he proposed that a force of 150 men should be immediately
raised and disciplined; but on making an estimate of the expense,
assuming as data, a rate of wages below what is given to ordinary
labourers in the gold Districts; the expense
appeared to be so large,
that I withheld my assent until I should have time to consult and
receive your instructions on the
12. With the small police Force, which has been hitherto
maintained in
British Columbia, we have succeeded through the blessing
of God, and with the aid of the well disposed inhabitants, in
bringing all offenders to justice and in maintaining a remarkable
degree of quiet and good order. It is therefore unnecessary for the
purposes of security to increase that force until the increase of
population in
Spring, and thus it becomes a question whether in the
meantime, it would not be advisable to request Her Majesty's Government
to send out at once a body of the Irish constabulary force, furnished
with their proper arms and equipments, and who would thus be ready for
service the moment they arrived in the country.
The advantages of that plan are important, as it would in the
first place lead to a great saving of expense in the pay and
equipment of the force; and secondly the force would be perfectly
reliable in every emergency; with that body of men as a nucleus,
and spare
arms and equipment for 100 more, the police force could be
recruited in the country, though with a less reliable element, to
any desirable extent. I will request
Mr Brew to state his opinion on
that subject, and will forward the same to you with any suggestions
relative thereto that may occur to him. I trust that the plan may meet
with your approval, and that you will direct it to be carried into
13. There is every reason to believe that a well constituted
constabulary force, with a sufficient staff of Stipendiary Magistrates,
supported by the co-operation of the well
disposed inhabitants;
the military force intended for the country; and the naval force on the
sea-coast; will furnish, in all ordinary cases, the requisite
protection to life and property. Should there be reason to alter that
opinion either in consequence of the deportment of the white population,
or of collision with the Indians, I will not fail to ask for additional
re-inforcements, but for the present, provided we have the means above
described, I think such unnecessary.
14. I would hardly venture to give a decided opinion on the subject
of recruiting a regular military Force, from the Gold Diggers of the
as the men taking service would probably be composed of the
idle and worthless classes, but to secure the service of the active
adventurers I fear a very high rate of pay not less than 12 shillings
a day, including rations, would be an indispensable condition, in the
outset; and the great expense of such a force, together with its
unreliable character, could be an almost insuperable objection to
maintaining it in the field.
15. The practiced and skilful men for cavalry and artillery drill
sent out with
Col. Moody, and who are intended to form a nucleus for
such additional military force as may be required and formed in the
Colony, will be of the greatest possible service, should any such
contingency arise.
16. I have further to state in reply to your communication that I
have carefully perused your instructions providing for and suggesting
how to meet the unforseen exigencies in the Colony as they may arise,
and shall attend to those instructions.
17. We shall also endeavour to settle all preliminary questions of
law and police, and to make all suitable preparations for the expected
immigration in Spring and for the safety and development of the
Colony; and forward any further information
we may arrive at of the
probable revenue on which we may calculate.
In my letter N
o 51 of the
14th of Instant,
I estimated the
revenue for the coming year at £100,000 Sterling, assuming that the
Import duty on goods would yield the sum of £80,000, and a proposed
export duty on gold about £20,000, in all £100,000 per
The sale of public land will also I trust yield a considerable
revenue as well as mining and other fees, so that I am in hopes
of being able, after the first of the year, to pay all our own
18. Your approval of the great enterprise of the year, the
opening of the Harrison's River road
is exceedingly gratifying to
me. The real impediment to the development of the mineral region
British Columbia is no doubt the difficulty of access to it.
Passable roads and means of cheap transport would soon work a
wonderful revolution in the state of the country. I have done
everything in my power to remove the obstacles of route and to
improve the access to the mineral regions, but much remains to
be done. A road through the valley of
Fraser's River from the sea
coast to
the Forks of
Thompson's River, is urgently wanted; to open
the country for settlement; for land travel, when the river is
either flooded or impassable from ice in winter, and for driving live
stock of all kinds to and from the sea coast and interior country.
That great work is in part accomplished, through the co-operation of
the inhabitants, and with your approval we may finish it before the
close of next summer.
19. Other routes into the remote interior may be opened by
Howe's Sound, explored last summer by
Mr McKay, and by
Inlet, where I also sent an exploring
some months ago, but who
failed in crossing the mountains which were covered
with snow, and
they were compelled to return unsuccessful.
In conclusion I beg to assure you that I deeply appreciate the
extreme kindness of your closing remarks and you may rest assured
that I will not fail in exerting every faculty to carry out the
views of Her Majesty's Government and in the mean time, I shall
rely with confidence on your aid and support.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
The question in this despatch chiefly relates to the necessity of
sending out Constables from the Irish Constabulary. The Governor
does not say how many he wishes to have. Probably 100. I need
not say that this is a very expensive requisition—nor will you
omit to notice that the Governor is silent as to who is to pay
such expense. For my part I am of opinion that the Imperial
Govt has provided—what with Royal Engineers—Ships of War—&
supernumerary Marines—sufficient force for the external and
internal protection of the Colony, and that it ought to find
its own materials on the spot for any augmentation it may
require to such force. At any rate if an addition must be
made in the nature of Irish police men then, I think, that the
Colony ought to pay the entire cost—freight—salaries,
equipment &tc. This would only be adhering to the views so
frequently enunciated by
Sir E. Lytton in respect to this new Colony.
Lord Carnarvon
This must be considered together with the despatch (forwarded
yesterday) representing the insecure state of the Colony, &
ending with the same application [ask
g?] for a force from the
Irish Constabulary.
Yes—I think that
Mr Blackwood did not see the
gave so unsatisfactory a picture of the state of affairs.
With that before
That despatch has been minuted by
Sir Ed. Lytton to the
effect that
Lord Naas was to be asked to supply the men
from the Irish Constabulary.
& the knowledge that in the spring there
will probably be a great influx of American miners I do not see
how we can refuse the application. The Colony may repay the
expenses contingent on such force within a certain time but we
cannot expect that they s
d be paid for at once from the existing
Colonial revenue. We must advance the money. No time ought to be lost.
I have revoked that Minute about the Constabulary. I
entirely concur with
Mr Blackwood. Write to
Lord Naas
to know expense of 100 or 150 men—calculate that expense with
freightage &c &

then to
Douglas stating the cost
& inquiring whether he thinks the Colony will pay. Shew
this directly to
Mr Elliot for his returns for
Sir. W.
Dundas—They justify charging the whole expense of
Survey, & freightage &c to the Colony—as I have instructed
him in revising the return. I think on that return it
would be well to extract what I have marked as footnote to
the return refering to the charge on the Colony. Print
this for Parl
t & hasten those papers.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Douglas to
13 December 1858, acknowledging and accepting
People in this document
Baynes, Rear Admiral Robert Lambert
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Dundas, Sir W.
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Grant, Captain John Marshall
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
McKay, Joseph William
Merivale, Herman
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Naas, Lord
Parsons, Captain Robert Mann
Stanley, Lord Edward Henry
Vessels in this document
HMS Ganges
HMS Plumper, 1848-1865
HMS Pylades, 1854-1875
HMS Satellite, 1855-1879
HMS Tribune, 1853-1866
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fraser River
Howe Sound
Jervis Inlet
Thompson River
Vancouver Island