No. 63
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch,
marked Confidential, of the
14th of October
in which you have been pleased to favor me with the impressions derived
from the perusal of the Regulations framed for the management of the
Gold Fields in
British Columbia, and it is not without reason that
I now express the deepest sense of obligation for the searching
investigation which you have given to that subject.
2. I was sensible from the outset, of the arduous nature
of the task of framing regulations so perfectly adapted for a
comparatively unknown
country, as to be unobjectionable,
especially for a country situated as is
British Columbia, in the
close vicinity of a powerful state whose inhabitants would for
a time at least form the great bulk of the population.
3. It was to establish a legal control over the adventurers
who were rushing, from all sides, into the country, to anticipate their
attempts at legislation and to accustom them to the restraints of
lawful authority, that I prepared and issued the gold regulations.
I am therefore not wedded to the established system, as I hardly
ventured to hope, that it would be found in all respects so well
adapted to the people and the country, as to form the permanent mining
code of
British Columbia.
4. No serious
objection has been offered by the miners to that
section of the Law, which regulates the size of mining claims, but
there has been, and I fear always will exist a strong dislike to the
payment of a monthly licence fee, and the enforcement of that system
might ultimately lead as it did in Australia to fatal interruptions,
of the public Peace.
5. There are several other objections to the monthly licence fee,
considered as a source of revenue, such as
the cost of collection,
its equal pressure upon the prosperous and unsuccessful Miner, and its
frequent evasion—objections which apply with peculiar force to
the extensive and hardly accessible Gold Districts of
British Columbia.
6. I shall not fail to consider with care your suggestions, and
to revise the Law as it respects the extraction of Gold by means of
machinery from Quartz rocks and other classes of
mining requiring
the large investment of capital.
7. My attention was in fact closely devoted to a revision of
the Gold regulations, when your Despatch on the subject was received.
The expediency of abolishing the monthly licence Fee, in
consequence of its obnoxious features, and of introducing the system
which has been found to work with such happy effects in
was an idea
naturally suggested by the consideration of the subject
and we should not have hesitated in adopting that system with perhaps
some modification in details, but for the difficulty of dealing with the
export duty on gold, which has proved so prolific a source of revenue
Victoria as more than to compensate for the surrender of the
monthly licence fees.
8. The imposition of a duty at present on
the export of Gold in
British Columbia, would it is feared be comparatively unproductive of
revenue, besides having the effect of diverting the course of trade,
which it has been the hitherto successful object of all our legislation
to retain within our own possessions, to
and other American frontier Towns. The miners returning with their gains
to California,
would naturally seek to evade the payment of the duty,
cross over the frontier, and take the road to those places; instead of
coming direct to
Victoria which is now enriched by their visits.
9. We have as yet found no solution of this difficulty, but I am
of opinion that it will nevertheless be advisable at once to abolish
the monthly licence fees, and to replace them by an annual
payment—probably exceeding the payment annually levied on miners in
the Colony of
10. It may also be advisable to adopt the other features of the
Victorian system—a subject which will have my early and anxious
consideration, with the aid and advice of my executive Council, which
will be composed of
Lieutenant Governor Moody and the other officers who
have lately arrived from
11. It will be our study to frame such regulations as will give
satisfaction to the people at large, and to create a public revenue, with
the smallest possible amount of pressure on the trade and resources of
the Country.
Minutes by CO staff
Lord Carnarvon
I am afraid the subject presents only a choice of difficulties.
I should have hoped that

the export duty would have been
comparatively easy of collection, owing to the very difficult
character of the exits & entrances of the Colony except at
Fort Langley. But the Governor must know best.
This desp. shows how easy it is to theorise in England & how
difficult it is sometimes to give effect to those theories
in a new Colony. I hardly understand how the
Govr can make
a yearly license fee a sufficient substitute for the monthly
wh he admits to be generally objectionable; but
I do not think that we are in a position to give instructions
or even definite advice on the subject. The export duty
may under present circumstances be useless or mischievous
but whenever a bank is established at
Victoria, a certain
revenue might, I s
d think, be obtained by undertaking

conveyance & the escort of the gold to the Coast; and
then perhaps some moderate export duty
wd be practicable.
I see no reason to alter my former opinions & believe the
Export Duty will prove lucrative. Print for Parlt.
Other documents included in the file
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
C. Brew, Chief Inspector of Police, to
Douglas, 11
November 1858, concerning journey, salary and plans for police force.
Minutes by CO staff
This copy of
Mr Brew's letter has been enclosed—owing
to the pressure of time—in a private letter from
Govr Douglas.
It can now be registered & minuted.
Mr Merivale
The request of
Mr Brew to be relieved from the payment
of a portion of the amount advanced to him has been so far
anticipated that by a Despatch dated the 11
Govr Douglas was informed that the £100 advanced by the
Nova Scotia Govt could be repaid by this Country. He likewise
received an advance of £150 before his departure on account of salary.
People in this document
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Brew, Chartres
Carnarvon, Earl
Douglas, Sir James
Jadis, Vane
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Places in this document
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
Vancouver Island
Victoria, Australia