I am commanded by my Lords Commiss
rs of the Admiralty to request
you will state to Secretary
Sir Bulwer Lytton that in accordance with the
suggestions contained in your letter of the
1st Instant to the War
My Lords have endeavoured to arrange better terms with the owners of the
Thames City and
Briseis for landing the Royal Engineers, and stores at,
Fraser's River instead of at
Vancouver's Island; but by a communication
(copy of which is enclosed) from the Brokers, it appears that they are
unwilling to submit to any reduction of their previous reward, and
require that
such additional services be absolute, and not conditional on
arrangements out in
British Columbia. Under these circumstances it is
for the Secretary of State to decide whether the offer be definitively
accepted at once; or the removal of the Men and Stores from
Island, be left to the means which may probably be afforded by Her
Majestys Ships, several of which it is anticipated will be in the
neighbourhood by the time the two arrive.