I now avail myself of your permission to address Her Majesty's
Government upon the subject of the possessions of the Hudson's Bay
Company around their Forts in
British Columbia which were occupied by
them long before the influx of Miners into that district.
Up to the period of the Treaty between this Country and the United
States in 1846; the Hudson's Bay Company carried on their trade and
intercourse throughout the Interior of that vast Continent by way of
Columbia River, when however the Country South of the 49
of Latitude and consequently both the shores of the
River, were ceded to the United States, the Company foresaw that
difficulties might arise, and expences be incurred, by navigating the
waters of a Foreign Power, although the Free Navigation was confirmed to
them; they therefore endeavoured to find another route through British
Territory, and commenced their operations of Discovery from
Fort Langley,
a Post on
Fraser's River which had long previously been
After much trouble, danger, and expence, they completed their exploration
by the route of
Fraser's River which has since been adopted as the way of
communication throughout the Interior of the Country, and to Hudson's
As all the communication was carried on by small boats, and horses,
it became necessary to
establish relays of Posts where the Brigade could
find provisions and supplies, and further, where the large Bands of
Horses could be foddered and pastured.
The Officers of the Company fixed therefore upon those spots which
were most convenient for their purpose, and in order to render each Post
as far as possible selfsupporting and independent of imported provisions,
a certain quantity of land was squatted upon for the purpose of raising
potatoes and grain, and also for pasturing and foddering the Cattle.
The Company did not fence off this land as there were no neighbours to
fence against, but now that so large an influx of strangers is taking
place, of a class proverbially unscrupulous, it becomes necessary to
guard against the infringement of the
Company's property, and I would
request Her Majesty's Government through your Kind intervention to
Governor Douglas that he should take a liberal view of these
possessions, and define their extent, taking as his basis the land
occupied and pastured by the cattle of the Company before the influx of
the Miners into that
This may be a vast area. [
The Company possess the same title to these lands that they do to
those in
Oregon, which title has been fully recognized by Her Majesty's
Government, and by the Government of the United States by the Treaty of
1846, and which will of course be recognized in the present instance.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
It seems to me only right that the local Government should afford
every protection in its power to the property of the Hudson's Bay
Company in
British Columbia; though I should have a little doubted
whether the Government is bound to recognize their claim to the fee
simple of "the lands occupied and pastured" by their servants
round the Posts or Forts simply because they "squatted" thereon.
The squatting, however, was an act of necessity—and the only means
the occupants of the Posts had of supporting themselves. So I suppose
there is no alternative but to concede their claim to possession. They
refer to the course taken with their lands in
Oregon when the Treaty
of 1846 was negociated. The course then adopted was to confirm them
in their farms, lands and other

property. Considering the liberality
of the Hudsons Bay Company and their readiness to fall into the views
of H.M. Government on most occasions, the British Government can
scarcely treat them with a less measure of liberality in
Columbia than they have received on American Territory. And therefore
I should write to the Governor as requested, and acquaint the
Company accordingly.
Lord Carnarvon
I pass this for your consideration. But a claim, on the ground of having
squatted, to an absolute property in all the land
occupied & pastured by Cattle, does seem one of which the admission
might affect a much larger area, and entail further consequences, than
could at first be anticipated. No two cases are exactly alike, but still
the warning of experience on this matter in
Australia is not to be
This has apparently by some accident been mislaid for I have not
seen it until within the last two days. I annex two drafts
wh I
think will be on the whole the safest way of dealing with the question.
If they are approved the Desp. to
Govr Douglas s
d go by Tuesday's
Other documents included in the file
Carnarvon to
16 November 1858, requesting further
details of the company's claims and forwarding copy of despatch to