I have laid before the Secretary of State for War your
letter of the
together with its enclosures from
Colonel Moody, pointing out the
difficulties which have arisen in consequence of the Vessel which has
been engaged to convey the Detachment of Royal Engineers to
Columbia, being incapable of containing the whole of the Stores which it
has been found necessary to provide.
Major General Peel desires me to request that you will

observe to
Sir E.B. Lytton, that at the time when the "
Thames City" was taken
it was not possible for this Department to furnish the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty with any accurate estimate of the total
amount of Stores for which tonnage would be required, and indeed large
additions to the original Requisition, have been made within the last few
days. In consequence however of a representation which has been received
Colonel Moody, and which a copy is enclosed, the Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty were requested on the
to cause conveyance to be provided

for not less than 400 Tons of Stores,
in addition to those which the Detachment will take with Them in the
Thames City."
Major General Peel believes that no inconvenience will
result from this arrangement, and he trusts that nothing will occur to
prevent the speedy departure of the Party.