5 Wattham Cottages
Warner Road
3d Novr 1858
Having seen in the Times that Government is sending out
Clerks to "
New Columbia" I take the liberty of forwarding the
enclosed Copy of a Certificate (The Original one from
Somerset House having unfortunately been lost by
Lady Palmerston)
and humbly entreating you Sir to
grant me a nomination.
I speak and write perfectly French and Italian (The first
like a Native, having been educated in
Paris) and have passed
a Successful examination before the Civil Service Commission.
I am also happy to be able to add, that I have always given
perfect satisfaction to My Superiors during the two years I
was employed in Somerset House
as a Temporary Clerk, and can
obtain from them any further Certificate, Should it be necessary.
I have a family wholly dependent upon my exertions for support,
and therefore most sincerely trust Sir that you will kindly
pardon the liberty I have taken in applying to you.
I have the honour to
with profound respect Sir
Your Most humble obedient Servant
F. Barker
Minutes by CO staff
State that there is no intention to send out Clerks to
B. Columbia, & that their class is generally described
as one peculiarly unfitted to succeed in a new Settlement.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file