Chatham Prison, Kent
September 10 1858
Right Honorable Sir,
It is with the greatest deference, and with every
apology, that I venture to address you, and express a hope
that you will generously extend to me your consideration and patronage.
It has been suggested to me, that, in all probability,
you will proceed to appoint a Colonial Chaplain for
British Columbia. Should this
be your intention, I think it
probable you will forgive me if I refer to my past Colonial
Services under Government, and solicit your kind recognition
of them in nominating a Chaplain to the New Colony.
I was appointed Chaplain to the Convict Establishment at
Port Arthur, V.D. Land, by the present
Earl of Derby, in
Novr 1842, and was engaged in the arduous duties of that office
for nearly six years. In consequence of disturbances at
Norfolk Island
Sir W. Denison, Governor of VD Land,

me to undertake the appointment of Chaplain there, adding,
that going to that isolated and trying sphere of labor
would enhance my claims on Her Majesty's Government. I,
forthwith, went to Norfolk Island, and, owing to the dismissal
of one Clergyman and the ill health of two others, the work
of three Clergymen devolved upon me. This however, I did,
without any relief or cessation, for three years and a half.
I arose at 4 A.M., and my duties continued, with but little
intermission, till 8 P.M.!
At length, my health gave way,
as the Medical Board stated, from unusually protracted labor
in that semi-tropical climate, and I was ordered home, or to
some colder climate for a Season.
I arrived in England,
June 1852, bringing with me the
Copy of a Despatch from
Sir W. Denison to
Earl Grey (His Excellency
thinking His Lordship was still in office), a letter from the
officer commanding the Troops, and another from the Bishop
of the Colony.
Copies of these I have the honor to Enclose.
On my return,
Sir J.S. Pakington held the Seals of
the Colonial Office, and he kindly granted me an interview,
and afterwards wrote to me in these words,
I regret I have no appointment in the Church at
Home to offer you, but
I shall be prepared to give a favorable consideration to your
Claims whenever an opportunity arise of making an appointment to the
Ecclesiastical Establishment in any one of the Colonies.
subsequently, the
Duke of Newcastle, when Colonial Secretary,
expressed a similar intention—to this day, however, my
claims are in abeyance.
I can, Sir, refer you to the records of the Colonial
Office, to the Authorities of the Home Office under whom
I have held, since My return to England, the office of
Assistant Chaplain, at Dartmoor and Chatham Prisons,
to the Governor of these Prisons, to the
Archbishop of
Canterbury, to the
Bishop of Lichfield and the
Bishop of
Exeter, and a

host of others, in testimony of my
Energy, Qualifications and Character.
I am also personally known to Mr W.C. Kent, 1
Campden Grove, Kensington.
Should you be kindly pleased to place that confidence in
me as to appoint me the first Colonial Chaplain to
British Columbia,
I will devote, with willing Earnestness, all my powers to
carry into Effect the intentions of Her Majesty's Government.
I have the honor to be, Sir
Your Most humble & devoted Servant,
J.W. Batchelor
Minutes by CO staff
See P. Secy's note. Put by.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
People in this document
Batchelor, Reverend Frederick Shum
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Denison, Sir W.
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Lonsdale, Bishop of Lichfield John
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Mainwaring, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick
Nixon, Bishop of Tasmania Francis Russell
Pakington, Captain John Somerset
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter Henry
Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby Edward George Geoffrey Smith
Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury Reverend John Bird
Places in this document
British Columbia