I beg to lay before you my application for an appointment
in the Cape Constabulary force or in the corps about to be
formed in
British Columbia. I have to plead the services of my
family for many generations and my own desire to be employed in any
capacity in any of our Colonies. The development of the resources
of our Colonies and their defence have for many years engaged my
attention, and some years ago I laid before the
Rt Honble
Sir G. Grey a plan for colonising the frontiers of the Cape upon
a defensive scheme

which though considered at the time impossible,
was carried out in part at the close of the Crimean War with
the German Legion. Having a considerable practical knowledge of
the Natural Sciences such as Geology, Botany and their kindred,
I could in addition to my duties turn these to advantage to the
Colony. All my family are Military, my education has been Military
and I have served in the French Dragoons, the Leicestershire Militia
and the [one word off microfilm]
Irregular Cavalry during the Crimean War. Trusting
some appointment may be found for me however humble, in the Colonys,
where a thorough knowledge of French, a good acquaintance with

Italian, Spanish, German, Turkish may be useful.