I take the liberty of forwarding to you the enclosed Petition,
and respectfully request you to present it to Her Majesty, for whom I
entertain feelings of profound respect.
I am My Lord
Your most obed
t Servant
G.E. Nias.
I should like briefly to state to your Lordship my reasons for
presenting the enclosed petition, as I should wish to enlist your
advocacy of a course, which founded on justice and right, would
materially advance the best interests of a most important new
settlement,—if neglected, will seriously retard its prosperity and early
My eight years residence in California has given me ample
opportunity of judging of the bad effects provided by the absence of such
a regulation, and in
San Francisco it was for 5 or 6 years and is still
to some

extent, one of the greatest evidences of American mis-rule; I
allude to the
selling "Town lots," in new settlements, without
requiring the purchasers to
substantially improve the same within
limited period, or forfeit their purchase money.
I believe the bad effects of the absence of this regulation have
been felt in other colonies, and I am under the impression that there is
some general law requiring town lots, on government land, to be improved.
I will not occupy your Lordships time with arguments to prove the good
policy and justice of such a law, you are doubtless fully acquainted with
them. In the present instance its absence will be particularly
injurious, as from its proximity to American settlements, numbers of
American "Land Speculators" have gone down, with the sole purpose of
buying all the land in and about the town of
Victoria, they can lay their
hands on, merely for the purpose of holding & reselling, at an enormous
The American "Land Grabber," seldom improves land in his own
country, and only folly would suppose he would do so on British
soil, for indeed only those who have lived some years among them can tell
the jealousy and hatred the great bulk of Americans bear towards Britain
and all pertaining to her.
(Do not let the foregoing lead you to suppose that I am
prejudiced against Americans;—it is only the result of experience.
I have made it a point to cultivate the acquaintance of and associate
mostly with Americans, and as to outward appearance and speech am an
American. And could if your Lordship desired furnish you some very strong
arguments against the Bal[l]ot and universal sufferage. I was a strong
Radical when I left England. I am anything but a radical now, and shall
return to see
Victoria under the British flag at the earliest
opportunity, with great pleasure.)
I see by the papers that His Excellency
Governor Douglas has some
doubts of the policy of allowing the law to be monopolized as it was—for
he had closed the "Land Office" & given notice that no person could
purchase more than six lots. But this is absurd as the lots might appear
in the names of twenty persons, and yet belong wholly to
one. "Substantial Improvements" in a limited time, is the only remedy.
I enclose some cuttings, in preference to sending you a whole paper
to wade through and remain your Lordships
Minutes by CO staff
Mr. Merivale.
It would be desirable, I think, to send copies of these Letters to
Governor Douglas, and Caution him on this subject. It is only
reasonable that purchasers of Town lots should improve within a
stipulated period.
I think copy of this should be forwarded to
Gov. Douglas by next
mail as a caution, though strictly speaking the land is the Company's,
not the Crown's: & also to the HBC. What
Mr Nias says is in the
abstract perfectly right: land jobbing is the curse and canker of new
colonies: no land should be sold, not only in town lots but in country
lots, except to men bound to improve them. But where
Mr Nias is wrong, in
common with all inexperienced reasoners on this subject, is in his belief
of the efficacy of "regulations" to check the evil. No one will
believe—till they have seen it proved—that "regulations" to check land
jobbing are not worth the paper they are written on. Only one
speculative writer ever had a clear perception of this.
E.G. Wakefield,
who was eminently also a practical man. He, therefore, preached the
doctrine that all land should be sold at so high a price (fixed upset) as
will render it rarely worth the "land jobbers" while to buy: and the
proceeds spent in helping the bona fide purchaser to labour. All
favourers of cheap and easy schemes, meant to look well rather than to
work, have abused him ever since. But the proof of his sound views is in
the steady thriving of the only colony in which they were ever thoroughly
adopted—South Australia. However, fortunately or unfortunately, we
cannot try his scheme in North America, with the States, the land
of cheap sales & land jobbing, close by.

So far, however, I should be inclined to differ from
Mr Nias,
that I do not see much mischief in the public from land jobbing in
town lots, beyond the lots of revenue, which is of course
provoking. But land jobbing in country land kills improvement.
Send this & see my Minute as to Land jobbing. I expect & fear that
so strong a case next Session may be made out against
Douglas as to cost
him his Governorship. It would be kindness to give him every warning.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)