I have the honor to inform you that on my arrival at
I learned from the Ships of War in Port that instructions had
been received from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty dated
in 1856 directing the payments of Ship's Crews on the Pacific
Station to be made at the fixed rate of 4
s/- per American Gold
Dollar irrespective of the rate of Exchange.
Not being aware of any Regulations on the subject having been
made for the payment of Troops, I propose being guided by the
Admiralty instructions to their Paymasters,
and as the present rate
of Exchange here is 4
d per dollar, the loss on the payment of
the men shall be shown in my accounts.
P.S. I beg to add that
Colonel Hawkins R.E. the Boundary
Commissioner adopts the same system as that proposed, in the
payment of the Royal Engineers under his Command.