No. 80
22 January 1859
The mail steamer having just arrived, and being about to leave again almost immediately for San Francisco; I hasten to communicate for your information that letters arrivedManuscript imagearrived last night from Lieutenant Governor Moody, dated Fort Yale 17th Jany. reporting that the difficulties at Fort Yale and Hills Bar were for the present quelled.
2. The Lieutenant Governor, has nevertheless ordered the detachment of Marines and Seamen, from the "Satellite" and "Plumper" which I had informed you had been forwarded by the latter vessel to Fort Langley
Vide Despatch No 77 28 January.
toManuscript imageto proceed onwards, to Fort Hope, whither they have gone on the Steamer "Enterprise" to the number of 100 Seamen and Marines besides the Company of Royal Engineers which accompanied Colonel Moody.
3. The force is therefore capable of overwhelming any factious opposition, that may be offered to the enforcement of the Laws.
4. The state of feeling among the miners generally is of the best description, and their numbersManuscript imagenumbers are now so much reduced, that the danger of any insurrectionary movements on their part, is not imminent.
I have etc.
James Douglas
P.S. I forward herewith numbers of the Victoria Gazette of the dates 11 Jany 59
13 "
15 "
18 "
20 "
22 "
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Merivale
The Governor wd seem entitled to commendation for his vigorous measures. If there had been any disposition to resist the Law, or make a disturbance up the Country this display of force wd help materially to repress it.
The force at the Command of the Governor, which he so promptly handles, Manuscript imageinduces the question whether he really can require the 100 Police men he has asked for. They were asked for in consequence of this reported out-break, which turns out to be none at all. I think we should not be ready to concede all this New Colony will want & solicit. I admit, however, that there will be a great influx of Immigrants in the Spring, when order will be requisite. But they must keep order amongst themselves—& motives of interest & self preservation will lead them to adopt measures themselves for that purpose. Lord Naas has not yet ansd the reference made to him as to a supply of Constabularies from the Irish force. When he does ansr it, the Govr is to be asked Manuscript imageif he can pay for them. The ansr will probably be in the negative, & he will have to fall back on his own resources.
ABd 16/3
HM Mh 16
Meanwhile acknowledge with satisfaction & approval?
C Mch 17
About the Police I shall send another minute. This may be acknowledged briefly.
EBL Ap 1
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Lytton to Douglas, No. 36, 22 March 1859.
Douglas, Sir James to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 22 January 1859, CO 60:4, no. 2741, 89. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)