No. 114
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch
No 62 of the
30th of December last, containing many valuable
observations on the policy to be observed towards the Indian
Tribes of
British ColumbiaColumbia, and moreover your instructions,
directing me to inform you if I think it would be feasible to
settle those Tribes permanently in villages; suggesting in
reference to that measure, that with such settlement, civilization
would at once begin; that law and religion would become naturally
introduced among them, and contribute to their security against
the aggressions of immigrants; that through indirect taxation,
on the additional articles they would purchase, they would
contribute to the Colonial revenue, and with their own consent,
some light and
simplesimple form of taxation might be imposed, the
proceeds of which would be expended strictly and solely on
their own wants and improvement.
2. I have much pleasure in adding, with unhesitating
confidence, that I conceive the proposed plan to be at once
feasible, and also the only plan which promises to result in
the moral elevation of the Native Indian races; in rescuing them from
degradation and protecting them from oppression and rapid decay.
It will, at the same time, have the effect of saving the
fromfrom the numberless evils which naturally follow in the
train of every course of national injustice, and from having
the Native Indian Tribes arrayed in vindictive warfare against
the white settlements.
3. As friends and Allies the native races are capable
of rendering the most valuable assistance to the Colony while
their enmity would entail on the settlers, a greater amount
of wretchedness and physical suffering, and more seriously
retard the growth and material development of the Colony,
than any other calamity to which, in the ordinary course
of events, it
wouldwould be exposed.
4. In my despatch No 4 of the
9th of February last,
on the affairs of
Vancouver's Island, transmitting my
correspondence with the House of Assembly, up to that date,
there is a message made to the House on the
5th of February
1859, respecting the course I proposed to adopt in the disposal
and arrangement of the land reserved for the benefit of the
Indian population at this place, the plan proposed, being
briefly thus; that the Indians should be established on that
reserve, and the remaining unoccupied land
shouldshould be let out
on leases at an annual rent to the highest bidder, and that the
whole proceeds arising from such leases should be applied to
the exclusive benefit of the Indians.
Quite what this Office desired.
5. The advantages of the arrangement are obvious. An
amount of capital would thereby be created, equal perhaps to
the sum required for effecting the settlement of the Indians,
and any surplus funds remaining over that outlay, it is proposed
to devote to the formation and support of schools, and of a
Clergyman to superintend their
moralmoral and religious training.
6. I feel much confidence in the operation of this simple
and practical scheme and provided we succeed in devising means
of rendering the Indian as comfortable and independent in regard
to physical wants in his improved condition, as he was when a
wandering denizen of the forest, there can be little doubt of the
ultimate success of the experiment.
7. The support of the Indians will thus, wherever land
is valuable, be a matter of easy accomplishment, and in Districts
where the white population is
smallsmall, and the land unproductive,
the Indians may be left, almost wholly to their own resources,
and, as a joint means of earning their livelihood, to pursue
unmolested their favourite calling of fishermen and hunters.
8. Anticipatory Reserves of Land for the benefit and support
of the Indian Races, will be made for that purpose, in all the
Districts of
British Columbia inhabited by Native Tribes.
Those reserves, should in all cases include their cultivated
fields, and village sites, for which from habit and association
they invariably
conceiveconceive a strong attachment, and prize more,
for that reason, than for the extent or value of the land.
9. In forming settlements of Natives, I should propose,
both from a principle of justice to the State, and out of
regard to the well-being of the Indians themselves to make such
settlements entirely self-supporting, trusting for the means
of doing so, to the voluntary contributions in labor or money
of the natives themselves; and secondly, to the proceeds of
the sale or lease of a part of the land reserve, which
be so disposed of, and applied towards the liquidation of
the preliminary expenses of the settlement.
10. The plan followed by the Government of the United
States, in making Indian settlements, appears in many respects
objectionable; they are supported at an enormous expense by
Congress, which for the fiscal year ending
June 30 1856,
granted the sum of 358,000 dollars for the support and
maintenance of the Indians of California alone, and for
the four years ending with the
30th June 1858 thethe total
expenditure for that object, came to the large sum of 1,104,000
dollars, and notwithstanding the heavy outlay, the Indians
in those settlements are rapidly degenerating; neither would
I recommend the system pursued by the founders of the Spanish
Missions in California.
Their objects, though to a certain extent mercenary, were
mainly of a benevolent kind; the Indians were educated and
trained in the Roman Catholic Faith; they were well fed and
clothed, and they were taught to labor; but being kept in a
state of pupilage, and not allowed to acquire property of
theirtheir own, nor taught to think and act for themselves, the
feeling and pride of independence were effectually destroyed;
and not having been trained to habits of self government and
self reliance, they were found, when freed from control,
altogether incapable of contributing to their own support and
really were more helpless and degraded than the untutored savages.
11. With such beacons to guide our steps, and profiting
by the lessons of experience so acquired, we may perhaps
succeed in escaping the manifest
evilsevils of both systems; the
great expense and the debasing influences of the American
system, by making the Indians independent and the settlements
self-supporting, and to avoid the rock on which were wrecked
the hopes of the Spanish Missions, I think it would be
advisable studiously to cultivate the pride of independence
so enobling in its effects, and which the savage largely
possesses, from nature and early training.
12. I would for example propose that every family should
have a distinct portion of the
reservedreserved land assigned for
their use, and to be cultivated by their own labor, giving
them however for the present, no power to sell or otherwise
alienate the land, that they should be taught to regard that
land as their inheritance; that the desire should be
encouraged and fostered in their minds, of adding to their
possessions, and devoting their earnings to the purchase of
property, apart from the reserve, which would be left entirely
at their own disposal and control; that they should in all
respects be treated as
rationalrational beings, capable of acting
and thinking for themselves; and lastly, that they should
be placed under proper moral and religious training, and left
under the protection of the laws, to provide for their own
maintenance and support.
13. Having touched thus briefly on the prominent features
of the system, respecting which you requested my opinion, and
trusting that my remarks may convey to you the information
you desired, and may not be deemed irrelevant.
Minutes by CO staff
Lord Carnarvon
The views expressed in this
desph coincide
with those of
Sir Edd Lytton. It is only necessary, I think,
to ans
r that
Sir Edward is much pleased to find the Governor's
sentiments so completely in accordance with his own; & to add
his hope that the Governor's endeavors to conciliate & promote
the welfare of the Indians may be followed by all persons whom
circes may bring into contact with this race.
Print for Parlt.
This is an important proposal on the part of the
Govr but
I agree with
Mr Blackwood that the answer s
d be an approval
in general terms. I believe that a somewhat analogous
settlement of the question has been carried out in Canada
and with success both as regard the Colony and the Indians.
But I think it
wd be perhaps desirable to add a caution
to the
Govr to the effect, that whilst making ample
provision, under the arrangements proposed, for the future
sustenance & improvement of the native races care s
d be
observed in laying out & defining the several reserves, in
order to avoid checking at a future day the progress of the
White Colonists.
Print this for Parl
t at once. Acknowledge & suggest
the caution recommended by
Lord C.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply,
Carnarvon (in the absence of
Lytton) to
No. 67,
20 May 1859, approving of Douglas's proposal.
Minutes by CO staff
For tonights mail. Print for Parl
t with the Gov
Sir Edward says "at once".