No. 165
The sale of building Lots at the new Town of
took place on the 1
st and 2
nd of the present month at
2. The result has
proved most satisfactory as a financial
operation, and indicates a general confidence in the future of the
3. The actual amount of sales was rather over Eighty-nine
thousand dollars ($89,000)
on which a deposit of 25 per cent was made on the
purchase, the remaining balance to be paid in three equal instalments
on the
first day of July,
August, and
September next
4. Three hundred and eighteen lots were offered for sale, and
Three hundred and ten were sold. One hundred and Ten Lots are
reserved for future sale. The largest sum realized for a single
lot was One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($1925)
and the average price of the Lots sold was nearly Two Hundred and
Ninety dollars ($290).
5. The accompanying
statement, from the Department of Lands
and Works, is transmitted for your information. It distinguishes
the actual sums of money received and due, on the Sale from the
amounts already paid on
Langley Titles, which were transferred to
Queensborough under the provisions of the Proclamation of
Feby last. It is
not impossible that this concession, led in
some manner to the high prices obtained for the
Queensborough lots.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
This is a very satisfactory proof of the estimation in
which this new Colony is held by persons resident in the
Country—when, in a two days sale, land is sold at the
proposed Capital for about £19,000.
Forward to Land B
d and print for Parl
t in
the next Series of
British Columbia papers.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office
to Emigration Commissioners, 10 August 1859, forwarding copy of the
despatch and enclosed statement of monies received.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Statement of account for the sale of land in
4 June
1859, showing amount received at $89,170.00.