I have the honor to enclose herewith, the Copy of a letter
Colonel Moody commanding the Forces in
British Columbia,
making requisition upon me, for the sum of Two Thousand Six
Hundred pounds (£2,600)
to enable him to make provision for Officers
Quarters, Hospital
and additional accommodation for men, and
also a second letter making further requisition for the sum of
One hundred and sixty pounds (£160)
to erect a building for a Military
school, and I beg to acquaint your Grace that having no funds
available for the purpose in the Colonial Chest I have been
obliged to issue instructions to the Treasurer, to procure
the same by Bills upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General, to the
amount, in
round numbers, of Two Thousand Eight hundred Pounds (£2,800),
and I hope that the necessary authority may be obtained for the
acceptance of those Bills upon presentation.