No. 224
18 October 1859
My Lord Duke
2. In my progress through the country I have had opportunities
of conversing familiarly with the people, of ascertaining, by
personal intercourse, their wants and views, their real and fancied
grievances, and of studying practically the best means of promoting
the settlement and permanent interests of the Colony.
3. I more especially directed my enquiries into the working
of the "Gold Fields
Act," which came into operation in the month
August last, and was much gratified to find that the Act had
been viewed with satisfaction, and met the approval of the mining
population of the Colony.
4. It has, however, some objectionable features which will
require amendment. The small size of the Bar and Bank claims
prescribed by the Act, the former limited to Twenty five feet
frontage on the banks of great rivers, and the latter to a space
of Twenty-five by Thirty feet, was perhaps the most general and
almost the only serious objection made to it; and it must be
that the objection applies with great force to ground
which has already been worked over, and to places where the pay
streak is thin and deeply covered with Soil, which the miner has to
remove at a great expense before the gold can be obtained.
5. There was a general feeling last year among the Miners
in favour of the minute subdivision of the mining ground into
distinct claims; but that feeling no doubt arose from the greater
number of Miners in the field, the limited extent of the then
known auriferous districts, and the natural desire of each to
possess a separate
mining claim. The Revenue is so largely
benefited by that subdivision, as each mining claim is required
to pay an annual charge of One Pound Sterling into the Colonial
Exchequer, that the principle was, without hesitation, and for
that reason only, adopted in the "Gold Fields Act."
6. In constructing that Act, it was foreseen that no mining
law, however comprehensive, could be made applicable to the wants
and circumstances of an extensive country like
British Columbia,
and the expedient was therefore resorted to of providing for the
establishment of Elective Mining Boards in
every District, with
power to frame Bye Laws regulating the size of claims, and
otherwise of adapting the provisions of the General Act to the
particular circumstances of each Mining District.
7. Until the Mining Boards are constituted, the Assistant
Gold Commissioners are empowered to grant relief in all cases of
real hardship, or whenever the public or the interests of
individual Miners may be endangered through the rigid enforcement
of the Act; and it was also decided that in certain cases where
Miners have incurred much preliminary outlay on account of their
claims, that the same person may be allowed
to hold more than one
mining claim, under a lease from the Crown, and at a rental
equal to the revenue accruing to the Colony from an equal number
of mining claims held by different persons; an arrangement which
gave general satisfaction, and will, I have no doubt, remove all
cause of complaint in respect to the extent of mining claims.
8. I met, in the course of my journey, with roving miners
from every part of
British Columbia, and ascertained from them
many interesting facts connected with the Gold Districts. Last
year an impression was generally entertained by the Miners that
the Gold
deposits had been made by
Fraser's River, and that the
Gold was brought down by the Stream from a source existing
somewhere in the main range of the
Rocky Mountains; they have
since discovered that not only the bed, but also the higher banks
of the
Fraser, which rise terrace-like one above the other as
they recede towards the hills on either side, are composed of
auriferous earth, and beds of water-worn gravel, a circumstance
that has led them, not illogically, to the conclusion that the
river occupied at some former period, a much higher level than
its present bed; and that the water has been
drained off, by its
gradual deepening through the natural process of attrition, or
by Volcanic agency.
9. Alluvial diggings of extraordinary value have been
discovered on
Quesnel River, a tributary which flows into the
Fraser about Fifty miles beyond
Some adventurous Miners have ascended this Stream as far as the
lake of the same name from which it rises, and have been rewarded
with rich strikes; as much, it is reported, as £40 a day having
been made to the hand, but instances of such
good fortune are uncommon.
One circumstance, however, which deserves to be recorded,
and which is established almost beyond a doubt, through the
concurring testimony of the Miners who have seen the Country,
is the fact that the channels of
Fraser River to a distance of
150 Miles beyond
Fort George, the extreme point to which they
have yet prospected, are found to be auriferous, yielding on
every Bar, from Twenty, to Twenty five shillings a day to the hand.
10. I fell in with three persons who left St. Pauls,
Minnesota, some time last
year; they passed the winter in the
Rocky Mountains, continued their journey Westward in the Spring,
and struck the South Branch of
Fraser River near "
Tete Jaune's
Cache". They saw many veins of Quartz on the Western Slopes of
the Mountains, and beds of reddish earth, which in California
are considered a sure indication of the presence of Gold; they
prospected the banks of the South
Fraser, as they dropped down
the stream in a rudely formed canoe, and were nowhere disappointed
in finding Gold in highly remunerative quantities.
11. The District between
Yale and
Lytton abounds in rich
Bank and Bar diggings.
Mr W. Gill
Mr W. Gill, a respectable merchant
residing at
Fort Yale, assured me that he once saw 74 ounces
of Gold Dust taken out of one mining claim at
Boston Bar, by
three men in twenty four hours, and that the same claim yielded
regularly from Forty-eight to Fifty ounces of Gold a day for
about four weeks, when the holders were driven out by a sudden
rise in the River, the claim being only accessible at extreme low
water for about four weeks in the year.
12. The Miners also report the presence of Gold in the various
little streams between
Pavillion and
and in short,
believe that there is Gold in almost every part of the Country.
13. Two veins of Gold-bearing Quartz were discovered by a
party of Cornish Miners near
Fort Hope, during the time I
remained at that place, and the discoverers, who entertain
sanguine hopes of success, intend to work them as rapidly as
their scanty means will permit.
14. The District between
Hope and
Yale is not so populous
as last year; the present mining population consisting of about
600 persons... The washing is now principally done
by sluicing,
which requires fewer men and does much more work than the process
of hand-washing. A large amount of capital is invested in
ditches, which carry supplies of water for sluicing to every
Mining Bar in this District; The Miners, whose operations were
previously confined to the bed of
Fraser's River, are thus enabled
to widen their field of labour by pushing shafts and other mining
works into the Banks far above the highest water levels of the
River. One of those Ditches is five miles long, and runs through
ground replete with engineering difficulties, which have been
overcome with a degree of skill and dexterity,
and with a paucity
of means, that excites a feeling of admiration at the practical
talent, and daring enterprise displayed in the construction.
15. When the Gold-lead or pay streak is deeply seated, the
amount of labour which has to be executed, is something almost
incredible; the whole of the surface-earth, often twenty-five
feet in depth, with its covering of bush and forest trees of
enormous size, having to be removed before the treasure can be grasped.
16. There exist extensive dry diggings from
Yale upwards
towards the
Fountain, which for want of water have not been made
available for mining; but it is believed that the neighbouring
mountains contain abundant sources from whence supplies of water
may be brought in, and every inducement will be offered to persons
desirous of embarking capital in enterprises of so much public utility,
and which are indispensable in the development of the Gold Fields.
17. The Mining population of the District, extending from
Yale to the
Fountain, is supposed to exceed 800 men, and about
1000 men are engaged in the same pursuits between
Fort George and
Quesnel's River; it is however supposed that the
miners in the latter District will be compelled by the severity
of the weather to abandon it in winter, the cold being then
intense, often 20 degrees below Zero (Fahrenheit), the
frozen, and the ground invariably covered with snow in the
months between November and March. Surface mining is therefore
impossible at that season, and the miner has no inducement to
remain, and possibly has not means enough to purchase a supply
of food to keep him until the return of the mining season.
Those remarks on the climate apply exclusively to the upper
Districts of
Fraser's River, and not to the country below
Alexandria, which enjoys a comparatively mild, dry and pleasant climate.
18. The value of the present gold exports from
Columbia is estimated at £14,000 a month, or £168,000 per annum;
but this estimate
does not include the large amount of Gold Dust
remaining in the hands of the Miners, nor give a just idea of the whole
quantity produced, which no doubt far exceeds the value herein stated.
19. The entire white population of
British Columbia does
not probably exceed 5,000 men, there being, with the exception of
a few families, neither wives nor children to refine and soften,
by their presence, the dreariness and asperity of existence.
20. A very marked improvement has taken place, since my last
visit, in the Towns of
Douglas and
Hope; the buildings,
entirely of wood, being well and neatly constructed, and
it was even more gratifying to observe the growing respectability
and quiet orderly deportment of the resident population.
21. In each of those places as well as at
New Westminster
Derby, Divine Service is regularly performed by resident
clergymen; and the almost total absence of crime, shews how
usefully and extensively their influence is felt.
22. No schools have been as yet established in the Colony;
but my attention will be given to the subject of education, and
provision made for elementary schools, whenever the wants of the
country render them necessary.
23. These
23. These facts, carefully selected from the mass of material
collected during my late excursion will convey to Your Grace
an idea of the present social and industrial condition of the
Colony of
British Columbia; and I will now proceed to the notice
of other matters, of no less importance.
24. The Colony is yet destitute of one highly important
element, it has no farming class; the population being almost
entirely composed of Miners and Merchants.
The attention of Government has been very anxiously directed to
the means of providing for that want by the encouragement of
agricultural settlers, a class which must eventually form
basis of the population, cultivate and improve the face of the
Country, and render it a fit habitation for civilized man. The
miner is at best a producer, and leaves no traces but those of
desolation behind; the Merchant is allured by the hope of gain;
but the durable prosperity and substantial wealth of States is
no doubt derived from the cultivation of the soil.
Without the farmers aid,
British Columbia must for ever remain
a desert, be drained of its wealth, and dependant on other
Countries for daily food.
25. The Colony has not proved attractive to agricultural
settlers. The Surveyed Country land was all put up to public
sale at
New Westminster on
the 5
th and
6th of the present
month (October), when four lots only were sold, none of which
realized more than the upset price of ten Shillings an acre, as
there was no competition and few purchasers.
26. At
Douglas and
Hope various applications were made to me,
for rural land, by persons who had taken a fancy to the country,
and in some instances made valuable improvements. They asked
to be secured in the ownership of any land they might improve,
at the upset price of ten shillings an acre; and that it should
not be exposed to public sale, with a value enhanced by their
own labour and outlay, as in that case they would either have
to purchase their own improvements
or see their prosperity pass
into other hands.
27. There was nothing unreasonable in their proposal, and as
meeting their views would, I felt assured, have the effect of
promoting the settlement of the country, I had every wish to do
so, but there was a difficulty in accomplishing the object, for
the reason that no Country land had been surveyed in those
Districts, nor could surveys be completed before next year, when
the petitioners would probably all have left the Colony in disgust.
I therefore had recourse to an expedient which fully met the case,
without sacrifice to the Government, and to the perfect
satisfaction of the public, by issuing a circular
addressed to
the Assistant Commissioners of Crown Lands at
Lytton, and
Cayoosh, directing them to permit all persons being
at the time British subjects, and all persons who have recorded
their intention of becoming British Subjects, to hold tracts of
unsurveyed Crown Land, not being Town sites, nor sites of Indian
Villages, and not exceeding 160 acres in extent, with a guarantee
that the same would be fully conveyed to the holder when the
land is surveyed, at a price not to exceed ten shillings an acre.
28. This is in fact the basis of a preemption Law founded on
occupation and improvement, the Government agreeing on those
conditions to convey the land at a fixed price; it being moreover
provided that the rights of actual settlers, of those persons only
who are found in possession when the land is surveyed will be
recognized and allowed.
Persons wishing to acquire larger tracts will be required to pay
a deposit of five shillings per acre on all land over 160 acres
preempted for their benefit; a condition intended to serve as
a protection to bona-fide settlers, and to prevent speculators
from preying on the public, and defeating the proposed object
of encouraging the settlement of the Country.
29. If that plan should fail in attracting a population I
think it will be advisable to resort to a Canadian system of making
free grants not exceeding
100 acres of rural land to actual
settlers, on condition of their making certain specified improvements.
30. The great object of opening roads from the sea-coast
into the interior of the country, and from
New Westminster to
Burrard's inlet and
Pitt River, continues to claim a large share
of my attention. The labour involved by these works is enormous,
but so essential are they as a means of settling and developing
the resources of the Country, that their importance can hardly
be overrated; and I therefore feel it incumbent on me to strain
every nerve in forwarding the progress of undertakings so
manifestly conducive to the prosperity of the Colony, and which
at the same time cannot fail ere long to produce a large
in the public revenue.
31. We hope to complete the last section of a pack-road
leading by the left bank of the
Fraser, from
Derby to
a distance of 170 miles, on, or before the 1
st day of
next. From
Lytton, a natural pack-road now exists leading to
River Settlement by the
Coutannais Pass, through the
Mountains, and from thence following the valley of the Sascatchewan,
chiefly over an open Prairie Country of great beauty, and replete
with objects of interest to the tourist and the sportsman; a
settler may then take his departure from
Red River in spring with
his cattle and stock, and reach
British Columbia by that road in
course of the autumn following. This is no mere theory, the
experiment having been repeatedly made by parties of
Red River
people travelling to
Colvile, from whence there is a good road to
Lytton; so much so indeed that one of those persons assured me
that the whole distance from
Lytton to
Red River, with the
exception of the
Coutainnais Pass, which is thickly wooded, may
be safely travelled with carts.
If the Canadian Government would undertake to open a road
Red River to the borders of
Lake Superior, which really
presents no very formidable difficulties, the connection between
British Columbia and
Canada would be complete, and the whole
distance might I think, be travelled on British Soil.
32. The declared value of
British Columbia Imports for the
Quarter ending with the
30th day of September last is 207,848
dollars; and the Customs receipts for the same period, amount to
£5202, against £4242 for the preceding quarter, shewing an
increase on the latter of £960. A large sum has also been
derived from Sales of Town Land, Licenses and other sources of
Revenue, but those returns not having been received
must be
reserved for a future communication.
Trusting that these details may not prove unacceptable,
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
This despatch supplies some general information respecting
the condition of the Colony, which will be found useful in
endeavouring to form a just idea of the actual position and progress
of the Country.
1. The white population is estimated at 5000 (It was 4,000 in
2. The exports of Gold are about £14,000 a month.
3. There are no agricultural settlers and the Country Lands
are apparently unsaleable at 10/-

an acre. (Par. 25)
4. The Customs duties are producing about £20,000 a year.
5. Par. 31 points out the natural facilities which exist
for the construction of a road as far as the
Red River.
The despatch should be referred to the Emigration Comm
for a report on the measures to which
Governor Douglas has had recourse
in granting rights of occupation & preemption of unsurveyed Lands,
& the suggestion of making free grants.
Mr Merivale
Paragraph 31 seems very important. Proceed as proposed?
Send an extract of that Par. to
Govr Genl of Canada?
Duke of Newcastle has already before him the question of
admitting the tenure of land before survey & that of preemptive
rights, which it seems to me the Governor has now practically solved,
for it will not be easy, if desirable, to recede from what he has
done. He is disposed to the Canadian system of free grant along
lines of road, & I am much inclined to think him right. The
question here being, not to attract a population from a distance,
but to tie down an existing nomadic population to the soil. I
think copy of the whole despatch had better go to
Sir E. Head for
I consider this a very satisfactory despatch as regards the
future of this

Colony. I have already expressed my preference
Captn Clarke's
Victoria plan to the
preemptive scheme, but the latter is a great improvement in such
a Colony as
B. Columbia upon the
slow process of Survey & Sale and I have no doubt it
will give an impetus to Agricultural speculation—without which
the Colony will never thrive.
Paragraphs 30 & 31 are highly interesting, but I am sorry
to say
Sir E. Head writes to me privately much less hopefully on
this subject. Send him however copy of this despatch.
It will only be necessary to refer, in answering
Govr D, to
the despatch which covered
Captn Clarke's draft of an Order in
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Emigration Commissioners,
20 January 1860,
forwarding copy of the despatch for suggestions and observations.