It having been stated by the Brokers of the "
Thames City"
which vessel was engaged last year, for the conveyance of Stores
c to
British Columbia, that, in addition to certain War
Office Stores, the undermentioned Articles were, under the
superintendence of
Colonel Moody shipped in that Vessel by the
"Topographical Department under the control of the Colonial
Office," viz:
19,000 Stock bricks weight about 50
1,000 Fire bricks 3
8,400 Counter Slates 20
Powder 10
I request that you will cause me to be informed, as soon as
possible, whether this
statement is correct, in order that
a portion of the Freight may be advanced to the Brokers of
the Vessel, who have been prevented from obtaining the proper
receipt for their delivery, in consequence of the absence,
from pressure of business, of the Officer to whom the Stores
were consigned.