Treasury Chambers
5 September 1859
I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury, to acquaint you that the Paymaster General has been
authorized to accept and pay two further Bills, drawn for
Military purposes by the Governor of
British Columbia, viz
No 58
27 June 1859 £2,500
8 July "
charging the same for the present, to the Grant for
British Columbia.
My Lords apprehend that these Bills are in addition to
those mentioned in
your Letter of the 12
th Ultimo, and
request that the
Duke of Newcastle will furnish Them with
any further information he may have received, to enable
Them to direct the charges for Army and Navy Services, to
be placed to the proper Account.
Their Lordships trust that the instructions already
conveyed to the Governor of
British Columbia, will put a stop
to the Demands upon British Funds, for expenses connected
with the Colony, which should be defrayed from Local Revenue.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
The Treasury will receive a Letter today, or tomorrow
saying that the Governor will be instructed to make out a
distinctive statement of the services for which he keeps
drawing money upon the British Exchequer. The Treasury
have been apprized of the earnest & reiterated injunctions
of this Office to the Governor to stop these demands on
Home funds. But I fear he cannot obey those orders whilst
the Engineers are kept up at their present strength.
It would be well perhaps to send the Governor a copy
of this Letter for his information and strict observance
of the wishes therein expressed.
There is no use in sending the Governor impossible instructions.
The news respecting
S. Juan (see 8526) afford an additional
reason for not withdrawing the Engineers.
Other documents included in the file