Hawes to Under-Secretary of State
War Office,
Pall Mall, S.W.
11 April 1859
In reply to your Letter of the
23rd of March, on the
subject of the supply of Stores for
British Columbia, to replace
those lost in the "
I am directed by
Secretary Major General Peel to acquaint
you, for the information of
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, that the
stores in question will be provided as requested, (with the
exception, in conformity with your Letter, of the "Iron Houses"
and the "Hay & Oats") as speedily as possible.
With reference however to the question raised as to the
cost of the new supply being
defrayed out of Military funds,
"in conformity with the general practice of the Department,
which acts as its own Insurer," I am to observe that although
it is the practice of the War Department not to insure the
Stores sent by Sea—of which, as it appears by
Mr Merivale's
Letter, the Colonial Office was fully aware, there is no reason
for charging the loss of these Stores upon this Department.
Not at the time: it has only been ascertained since the loss of
the Briseis called attention to the point.
An application however must necessarily be made to the
Lords of the Treasury, if the value of the Stores in question
is to be charged to Imperial Funds, and therefore
General Peel is of opinion that such application should be
made by the Colonial rather than by the War Department.
In the case of any future supplies of Stores for the
Colonies which may be required to be furnished by this
Major General Peel requests that you
will move
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton to consider whether the Insurance for such
supplies should not in all similar cases be effected by the
Colonial Office, and the priced Bills of Lading transmitted
to the Colonial Agent who may be appointed for the purpose.
In the present case, the priced Bills of Lading were sent
Col. Moody before he left England, who could have insured the
Stores had he thought fit to do so.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
There is nothing to be done, I imagine, except to send copies
of the corresp
ce to the Treasury and recommend that
Authority be given to this
Dt to insert a sufficient
sum in our Colonial Estimate for
B. Columbia to
cover the expense of the loss sustained in the Briseis—which
this Country must pay for.
I am afraid that there is no alternative.
Sir E. Lytton
in the letter to the W.O. of the
23 March says that the
lot of the articles consumed in the
Briseis must be
replaced—the only question being under what head Military
or Colonial the expense is to be placed.
Perhaps however under the circumstances it will be
best to send corresp. to Treasury & drawing their Ldships
attention to the necessity, wh is admitted on all hands,
of replacing the missing stores request to know their
opinion as to the proper head under wh the sum sd be placed.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
25 April 1859, enclosing
correspondence with the War Department respecting the loss of the
Briseis and asking which department should properly defray the
cost of replacement.