Immediately after the receipt of your despatches of the
December and the
8th January last reporting the disturbances that had
taken place at
Fort Yale and the measures which you so successfully adopted for putting them

down I conferred with the proper authority in Ireland with the view of ascertaining
whether and how your requisition
for a detachment of the Irish Constabulary Force could be complied with.
I have now the honor to forward to you the copy of a letter from
Naas, with an enclosure from the Chief Inspector of the Constabulary,
from which you will see that it is impracticable to meet your wishes
without first obtaining from you
specific answers on the various points
of detail which are mentioned in
Sir H. Brownrigg's letter as defective
in your despatches. In forwarding this communication I must state in
perfect frankness that it is totally impossible for Her Majesty's
Government to undertake the expense, partially or otherwise, which this
proposed Police Force would entail.
I could not reconcile it to my sense of duty, nor indeed would it
be consistent with the spirit
of my repeated despatches to you, to
appeal to the House of Commons for the establishment of a Police Force
in a Colony where a large revenue may be confidently anticipated, and
into which a great population is rapidly flowing. From that population
you must derive the means of maintaining the peace of the Country. I
would remind you that by that proceeding a habit of self reliance will
be engendered which would be seriously impaired, if when disturbances
and they cannot but be expected to occur occasionally in a Colony
composed of persons drawn from so many different Nations, you have
recourse to Imperial assistance. With respect to this particular
disturbance, if so it can be called, at
Fort Yale, I entertain a strong
impression that if, when the Police failed in the performance of their
duty, Volunteers had been called for there would have been found no
deficiency of zeal, or offers of Service
on their part. Certainly if
the Inhabitants of
British Columbia find it easier and cheaper to employ
others to protect them, Her Majesty's Government will by no means object
provided the colonists recognize the principle that they must pay for
the expense. But I must repeat to you that before any such expenses are
incurred it is incumbent on you as Governor of the Colony to redeem the
obligations already owing to this Country. Her Majesty's Government are
pledged in my various despatches to this, and I am constrained to insist
upon the punctual fulfilment of the pledge.