No. 102
6 December 1860
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to forward herewith to Your Grace copy of
a communication addressed to me by
Mr Dallas, the Agent at
this place of the Hudsons Bay Company, upon the subject of the
affairs and position of the Company in connection with

Colony of
British Columbia, and I also forward copy of my reply
to that communication.
2. I should not trouble Your Grace with this matter, not
exactly comprehending the precise practical object of
Mr Dallas'
letter, did it not appear that he had forwarded a copy, and by
a Mail prior to my receipt of it, to the Directors of the
Hudson Bay Company for the purpose of being laid before Your
Grace. I therefore hasten by the earliest opportunity following
to place Your Grace in possession of

my reply.
3. From that reply, which contains but a plain recital of
facts, Your Grace will perceive that no just or sufficient
grounds exist for the complaints made by
Mr Dallas, and that
so far from the Hudson's Bay Company having been treated with
injustice and disregard by this Government, they have on the
contrary been protected in an especial manner, and that
considerations have been afforded and allowances made them
which, I think, should merit a somewhat different acknowledgment

than that accorded by
Mr Dallas.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
I conceive that this despatch contains the report upon
the complaint of the H.B.C
o in respect to the Governor's
proceedings towards them in the land matters of
B. Columbia
of which we stood in need when
Mr Berens wrote to this Office on the
4 Jany. I presume a copy of these papers
shd be sent to the
Land B
d to which we have referred 177/
Yes, but unless the Land Board can throw any additional
light on these transactions and I hardly expect they have the
means of doing so, it will be best at once to send this very
complete reply to the H.B. Compy.
It places the Compy & their Agent in a very unfavorable
light. The charges are proved to be frivolous and vexatious,
and the new money claims are really worthy of a pettifogging
attorney and utterly unworthy of the Body which advances
them, though unfortunately too much like other recent proceedings
on their part.
Other documents included in the file
Government Emigration Board
Park Street, Westminster
2 Feby
My dear
We could add nothing to the Governor's explanation of the
transactions complained of by the H.B.C
o beyond the expression
of an opinion that that explanation is complete. The Colonial
y's letter is written with great moderation and clearness,
and appears to me completely to dispose of the

complaints of
the C
os Agent. I should hope that if it is sent to the
o they will acknowledge that their Agent was in the wrong.
My report on the previous letter from the Co on this
subject was sent in on Thursday last. I hope something will
soon be done to bring the matter in dispute to a settlement
before the Judicial Comme.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
A.G. Dallas to
8 November 1860, discussing the various
complaints of the company in connection with their holdings in the
colony, and forwarding a statement of claims in respect to land and
W.A.G. Young, Colonial Secretary, to
5 December 1860,
responding at length to the letter as noted above with an
explanation of the government's position in the matter (15 pages).
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
H.H. Berens, Hudson's Bay Company,
February 1861, forwarding copy of the despatch and enclosure and
suggesting that the explanation of the governor was satisfactory.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Mr Murdoch's note to me, which is sufficient for us, I think,
to send the Governor's despatch at once to the Hudson's Bay C
according to the
Duke of Newcastle's minute on 917.