Murdoch to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Emigration Office
8 May 1860
I have to acknowledge
Mr Merivale's letter of
ultimo, enclosing a Despatch from
Governor Douglas on the subject
of the grant of endowments in Land to the Clergy of the principal
Christian Communities established in
British Columbia.
Governor Douglas states that although he had no authority
to apply any part of the public Revenue to the aid or support
of Churches he

has not hesitated to grant to the Clergy of the
Church of England and the "Methodist Episcopal Church" sites for
a Church, School and Dwelling House, forming a Block of 4
building Lots—or about one acre—in all Towns where they
resided. The Towns in which these grants have been made are
Douglas and
New Westminster. He further
requests authority to make similar grants in all other Towns
British Columbia where ordained Ministers of the Gospel
may take up their residence, and he likewise proposes that free

grants of 100 acres of rural land should be made in aid of
every cure established in
British Columbia and not otherwise
supported at the public expense—where there is a resident
Clergyman and a place of public worship—restricting these
grants, however, to the Churches of England and Rome—the
Presbyterian and Methodist Churches.
3. As regards the grants already made
Governor Douglas'
proceedings should, I think, be approved, but he will of
course take care that the Land shall be appropriated strictly

to the purposes for which it was intended—and that it shall
be so conveyed as to be secure against the possibility of
misapplication in future years. Nor do I see any objection
to his making similar grants in other Towns wherever a
Clergyman and a Congregation may be established and require
such assistance.
4. In respect to the proposed grants of 100 acres of rural
land to such cures as may be hereafter established the experience
of other Colonies is not encouraging. It

has been found that
where a Clergyman in a new Colony had to depend on his Land
for his principal means of subsistence, he must, to make it
answer, devote to it so much of his time as seriously to
interfere with his usefulness. Unless he does this the
endowment becomes only an apparent, not a real, provision
for him. He cannot let it, because Land in a new Colony
is never, except under very peculiar circumstances, taken on
lease—and to employ hired labor would generally be beyond
the means of a Clergyman so situated.

For these reasons the
practice of making grants of Land as endowments to living
in the Colonies has, I believe, been generally discontinued
for many years—and great caution should be used in
returning to it in
British Columbia. It may be doubted
whether it is not better for a Clergyman to depend entirely
on the liberality of his congregation than to be provided
with an endowment which, though no substantial assistance
to him, may be an excuse to such of his Congregation as are
disposed to withhold their aid.
Governor Douglas as I have

stated proposes to
restrict these grants to four principal Christian communities.
Looking, however, to the number of different communities of
Christians in the United States and Upper Canada he would
probably not be able to carry out such a restriction.
This is another motive for caution. Under any circumstances
he should not make grants of this description until he has
satisfied himself, in addition to there being a resident
Clergyman and a place of Worship

that there is also a
settled population of the community to whose Clergyman
the grant is to be made in its immediate vicinity.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
the Governors proceeding: and send him
extracts, or perhaps embody
Mr Murdoch's
observations in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this report—with which
it is desirable that the Governor should be acquainted.
I think he should be instructed in the spirit of
those pars., but in rather more decided terms. These
endowments appear plausible, but have been a great
source of discontent and abuse, as well as of sectarian
jealousy, in other Colonies.
I would approve the one-acre grants—applicable to all
Religious Sects—but disapprove the scheme of grants of
100 acres of Rural Land for the reasons given in
Murdoch's Report.