Murdoch to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Emigration Office
14 November 1860
With reference to your letters of the
14th August
1st October last directing us to provide passages
Cape Horn) to
British Columbia, for the Wives and
families of the 7 Men belonging to the detachment of Royal
Engineers stationed in that Colony, I have to report for the
information of the Secretary of State that the "
in which vessel passages were engaged as mentioned in
Mr Walcott's

letter of the
20th ultimo, sailed on
12th instant from Gravesend for
Vancouvers Island
having on board the 3 Women & 4 Children named in the margin.
2. All the women comprized in the List which accompanied
your letter of the
14th August last except
Mrs Holroyd
(who stated that she preferred to remain where she was a little
longer) accepted the offer of a passage when made to them—but
Mrs Goskirk,
Jane Bingley, and
Catherine May
declined to proceed—the first alleging that she had not the
means to travel from Scotland to
London to join the vessel—

second that she had been informed that she was to go out
as an Emigrant and not as a passenger—and the last because
she was an Indoor patient at the Dover Hospital with but
little prospect of recovery.
3. A passage warrant was sent to
Mrs Goskirk to
enable her to reach
London without expense—and the nature of
the arrangements were explained to
Jane Bingley but in neither
case with any change in the result.
Bingley and
May appear to be young women who were
probably going out to be married to the men who sent for them.
6. As the two former gave us notice of their intention to
remain at home, before the preparation for their accommodation on
board the ship were completed, we shall not be required to pay any
forfeit for their passages, but in the cases of
Mrs Goskirk and
Jane Bingley we shall have in

justice to the Shipowner, to pay the
usual forfeit of half the passage money, as their change of
mind was not communicated until all the expense of fittings and
provisioning for their accommodation had been incurred.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Inform the
Govr of the Sailing of Vessel with these women
on board instructing him at the same time to repay the cost of
their passages from Colonial funds? The Commissrs:
should I presume be authorized to pay the forfeit in the two
cases to which they refer?
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Emigration Commissioners,
19 November 1860, authorizing
payment of the forfeit for two women who did not proceed to the colony.
People in this document
Bingley, Jane
Crosland, Sarah J.
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Gill, Sarah
Jadis, Vane
May, Catherine
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Walcott, Stephen
Vessels in this document
Places in this document
British Columbia
Cape Horn
Vancouver Island