Lincolns Inn
19 March 1860
My Lord Duke,
We were honoured with Your Grace's commands, signified
Mr Merivale's letter of the
6th of February ultimo,
stating that he was directed by Your Grace to request that
we would take into consideration the annexed letter from the
Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company to Your Grace with the
statement of the "Claims of the Company to Lands in Columbia"
thereunto annexed, and advise Your

Grace as to the best course
to be adopted, under the following circumstances, viz—
The correspondence between the Hudson's Bay Company and the
Colonial Office ending with the letter from the Colonial Office
of the
30th December last would shew that it was desired
to obtain a decision from the Judicial Committee of the question,
whether the Company had, or had not, any right of property in
lands situate within the Colony of
British Columbia, of which it
had obtained no grant from the Crown, nor any Title from private

but which it alleged itself to have occupied, for
purposes connected with the Fur Trade, which it was incorporated
to carry on.
Mr Merivale was pleased to favor us with an explanatory
statement of the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company to the lands
in question, and of the Title of the Crown thereto.
Mr Merivale was further pleased to add that he was
directed by Your Grace to request our Joint opinion on the
following questions:
1. Had Her Majestys Government so far as the facts before
us disclosed, sufficient

grounds for contesting the claim of
the company to ownership in fee simple, or in any other form
of property known to the Law, of the lands specified in the
accompanying statement, and occupied or used by them before
the Treaty of Oregon?
2. If Her Majesty's Government was warranted in resisting
this claim, what were the steps now necessary in order to
bring the question before the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council by consent of both parties?
Mr Merivale was also further pleased to ask whether,
before proceedings were

entered into before the Judicial
Committee, there were any additional facts which occurred
to us as advisable that Her Majesty's Government should be
enabled to prove, (if proof be attainable,) or any points in
the accompanying statement which should not in our opinion
be admitted without further investigation.
In obedience to Your Grace's commands, we have carefully
considered the several papers submitted to us for our opinion,
and have the honor to Report
That it is necessary in the first place to correct

inference drawn by the Hudson's Bay Company from the terms of
the Oregon Treaty, and the construction put upon those terms,
by the Law Officers in their former report.
At the time of the Oregon Treaty, the Hudsons Bay Company
could not have claimed against the Crown the absolute property
of the Lands they occupied in the Territory then ceded to the
United States; but it was competent to the Crown to confirm
their Title, and to recognize them as the owners thereof; and
the Crown did so by stipulating with the United States that their

rights should be permanently secured to them. The
Company is indebted to these words in the Treaty, and not
to any
right of ownership as between them and the Crown, for
their position as Land Owners in the ceded Territory.
Adverting now to the questions submitted to us in
Mr Merivale's letter, we are of opinion that there are not
any grounds on which the Company is entitled to claim against
the Crown the absolute ownership of any of the Lands, occupied
or used in
British Columbia before the Treaty of Oregon.
The utmost right

that could have been claimed by the Company
in the Lands so held by them, was a Title to occupy the Lands,
as necessary for the full enjoyment of the license granted to
them, during the continuance of that license. That license
expired in
May 1859, and there are no legal grounds on which the
Company can claim, as of right, any Ownership in the Lands
specified in the Statement now before us.
We are therefore of opinion that Her Majesty's Government
is warranted in resisting this claim, and we cannot discover why
it should

have consented to refer a subject of this nature to
the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
But if that step has been agreed on, the proper course of
procedure will, in our opinion, be, that the Company should
present a Petition to Her Majesty stating the grounds of claim
and praying specifically the relief to which it conceives that
it is entitled. The course to be adopted by the Crown as to proofs or
admissions must depend, mainly, on the allegations made by the Company.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Fortescue
The Law Advisers think the Company have no claim nor
the shadow of a claim to the land in
Brit. Columbia, and
are surprised that so plain a question was ever referred to
the Judicial Committee. To do so was, in truth, a great
concession. But having been made it must of course be
adhered to. The next step seems to me to be, to put this
formally in train for early decision by the Jud
l Comm.
together with the
Vanc. I. question.
I annex, therefore, draft letters to the Company,
founded on the Law Advisers' recommendation.
Other documents included in the file