The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury having
had under Their consideration
Mr Elliot's Letter of the
5th Instant, enclosing a copy of a Despatch from the
Governor of
British Columbia forwarding a suggestion by the
Treasurer of that Colony, that the Governor should receive
a Travelling Allowance, at the rate of £5 a day, during
the periods for which he may be absent on Official Duty,
from the Seat of

Government, I am directed by their Lordships
to acquaint you, for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle,
that, in the opinion of this Board, it will be better to
postpone fixing a rate of allowance for Travelling, until
some experience shall have been obtained of the Cost of
Travelling in
British Columbia; and that the system of
furnishing accounts of actual Disbursements made by
Governor, should be persevered in, until sufficient data exist
for establishing a daily rate.
The instance of Ceylon, quoted as a parallel case, can
hardly be so considered, having reference to the amount of
pomp and display inevitable in such a Country.