I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the
5th instant, transmitting for the consideration of
Mr Secretary Herbert the Copy of a despatch from the
Governor of
British Columbia forwarding an application from
the Royal Engineer Officers in that Colony for payment of
the cost of certain property lost in the Transport "
and requesting to be informed whether there is any

rule in force regulating the payment to Military Officers of
compensation for personal property lost on board Government Transports.
In reply I am to acquaint you, for the information of
His Grace the
Duke of Newcastle that, under the provisions of
the War Office Regulations of
1848, compensation is only
granted for the actual loss of the Military equipment of an
Officer, and that in no case is a claim for the loss of
personal private property recognised.
I am to add that by Article 10, page 90 of

the said
Regulations, an Officer is required to insure his baggage
or articles of equipment when sent in a ship in which he is
not himself a passenger.