I have laid before the Secretary of State for War your
Letter of the
16th ultimo, together with its enclosures
in reference to the application from
Colonel Moody for the
wives of certain men of the

Detachment of Royal Engineers
serving in
British Columbia under his command, to be sent
out to that Colony.
In reply, I am to request that you will acquaint the
Secretary of State that
Mr Sidney Herbert is of opinion
that every encouragement in

aid of these men procuring
passages for their wives and families, at their own expense
should be given; but with respect to the recommendation of
Col. Moody that
Sergt McColl's wife and family should
be sent out at the public expense, I am to observe that the
regulated number

of women (35) accompanied the Detachment
and are still in the Colony, and that
Mr Herbert is
therefore of opinion that
Sergeant McColl should be required
to provide for the expenses in question.