5th May 1860
My Lord Duke,
On the
14th of January 1859,
Captain Whannell wrote to
Mrs Rice informing her of the Murder of her Son, and subsequently
a Second letter, enclosing a Copy of the Verdict, and further Stating
That among
Bernard Rice's Papers, a Bill for £20, drawn at 7 days
Sight by the Provincial Bank at Newry on Spooner Atwood & Co
was found, which Bill,
Mr Whannell retained until he should hear
Mrs Rice.
That, on the person of
Bernard Rice he had found, and had taken
Charge of a Bag Containing Gold Dust value 69 Dollars and 50
Cents—In Silver Coin One Dollar & 85 Cents and a "Colt Revolver."
That the Deceased's friend had Sold his Effects and placed same
in his
Mr Whannells hands amounting to 91 Dollars and requesting
Instruction for the disposal of the Effects.
See letter N
o 1.

On the
29th Decr 1858 Two men, named
Simpson Musgrove and
Thomas Williams, wrote to
Mrs Rice from
Fort Yale, stating the
death of her Son and stating, "400 Dollars were on his person. That
they had Sold his Claim & Effects for 91 Dollars and handed Same to the
Authorities." See Copy N
o 2.
March 1859 Mrs Rice received these letters and answered
both directly.
On the
10th of June Williams &
Musgrove wrote from
Fort Yale
acknowledging receipt of
Mrs Rices letter (on
8th June) wherein
one States, "I have just been at the Magistrate of this place to see if
he had sent the Money to you and that the Magistrate said he had written
Mrs Rice on the
27th of January." See Copy N
o 3.
Not having received a reply from
Captn Whannell,
Mrs Rice
instructed me to write to him and on the
3d of Augt 1859 I
addressed to
Captn Whannell a letter explaining that
Mrs Rice
was Entitled to the property of her Son, and requesting same would
be remitted to her.
But up to the present, no reply has been made to this letter.
Nor has she heard from
Captn Whannell. See Copy N
o 4.
The Bill for £20 was sent by
Mrs Rice to her Son to sustain
him while in bad health in the Colony. The Second Bill she now
holds, It having been returned to her through the Post Office at
Puget Sound after her Sons death.

I enclose a Copy of
Bernard Rices letter to his Mother
acknowledging receipt of the £20 Bill, and explaining that, it having
been the Second Bill of Exchange, it was not Negotiable. See Copy
o 5.
Minutes by CO staff
We do not possess the information requisite for us to act upon
in this matter. But we can send copies of these papers to the
Governor, directing him to institute the necessary enquiries, &
report thereon. I do not feel quite sure that
Capn Whannell is at
present a Justice of the Peace. Inform the applicant of the course
Mr Fortescue
This letter has only reached me to-day, and I forward it to you
immediately, as requested.
Write to the
Govr—& to
Mr Magee as proposed.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
P.B. Whannell to
Elizabeth Rice,
14 January 1859, advising of
the death of her son and requesting instructions for disposal of his
Simpson Musgrave and
Thomas Williams to
29 December 1858,
advising of the death of her son and explaining that they had sold
his effects and paid the money into the hands of the authorities.
Bernard Rice to
Elizabeth Rice,
8 May 1858, describing his
circumstances and explaining his difficulty in getting the £20 bill
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Fortescue to
19 May 1860, advising the governor had
been instructed to make enquiries into the status of property left by
Bernard Rice.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Foster, William
Magee, Joshua Michael
Musgrave, Simpson
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rice, Bernard
Rice, Elizabeth
Whannell, Peter Brunton
Williams, Thomas
Places in this document
British Columbia