No. 33
2 May 1861
In my Despatch marked Separate of the 28th of February last, allusion was made, in Mr Cox's letter of the 16th of January forming enclosure No 4, to some reported Gold Fields at LakeOkanagon,Manuscript image Okanagon, and the intention of the Gold Commissioner to accompany a body of Miners to inspect that part of the Country. The Miners proceeded on their proposed excursion, and returned to Rock Creek in the beginning of March, when they communicated the very satisfactory intelligence that they had found grain and scale Gold, of fine quality, in remunerative quantities, in all the streams flowing into the western shore of Lake Okanagon, which isoverManuscript image over 70 miles in length. This important discovery had not been made public at Rock Creek, for the reasons stated in Mr Cox's interesting report on the subject, which I herewith transmit, unabridged, for Your Grace's information.
2. I have also just received a very satisfactory report from Mr Commissioner Nind of Alexandria District, mentioning the great discoveries which have been made during the winter at "Antler Creek", a tributary of Bear River,whichManuscript image which flows from the mountains east of Quesnell Lake into the South Branch of Fraser River.
3. On the occasion of Mr Nind's visit to Antler Creek, the whole face of the country was still deeply covered with snow, but a great number of Miners were nevertheless on the ground anxiously awaiting the advent of Spring to commence operations.
4. These discoveries were alluded to in myDespatchManuscript image Despatch of the 28th of February last, and are now satisfactorily confirmed by the present report from Mr Nind, who, however, refrains from giving currency to the perhaps exaggerated statements received from Miners, that as much as 70 dollars worth of gold has been extracted from a single pan full (containing about one gallon) of earth.
5. The confirmed impression however, is that a Gold-field, of extraordinary richness, has been now discovered, andIManuscript image I sincerely trust that those impressions may be fully realized.
6. It is matter of sincere congratulation that the tranquillity of the country has been in no wise disturbed by the excitements arising from those discoveries; and that, as a body, the Miners are well conducted and submissive to the Laws.
7. A Copy of Mr Nind's Report, and sketch of thenewManuscript image new Gold-field, is also transmitted for Your Grace's information.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
Acke rect.
Lay before Parlt with other B. Columbia Correspondence.
ABd 20 June
TFE 20/6
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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W.G. Cox to Colonial Secretary, 1 March 1861, reporting on gold discoveries in the Okanagan region.
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Philip H. Nind to Colonial Secretary, 27 March 1861, reporting on recent gold digging activities at Antler Creek, and other events in the Alexandria district (thirteen pages). Published in Further Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia, Part IV (1862) pp. 50-52. Map ff p. 50.
Douglas, Sir James to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 2 May 1861, CO 60:10, no. 5478, 233. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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