16 July 1861
When addressing Your Grace from
Lytton in my Separate Despatch
Just going to the printer.
of the
4th of June last, I communicated the
information and impressions of the state
of the Country which
I had received on my previous journey. I will now in this Despatch
continue the subject subsequently to my departure from
2. Leaving that place, I travelled for 35 miles along
the banks of
Thompson's River, by a good horse-road lately made at a trifling cost, and successively visited the
Hat Rivers, and the
where we fell upon
the Fraser,
and followed it downwards to
Cayoosh. The District comprehended within those limits is exceedingly beautiful and picturesque,
being composed of a succession of hills and valleys, exhibiting
to the traveller accustomed to the endless forests of the Coast
Districts, the unusual and grateful spectacle of miles of green
hills, curving slopes, and level meadows,
almost without a bush
or tree to obstruct the view, and even to the very hill-tops
producing an abundant growth of grass. It is of great value as
a grazing district, a circumstance which appears to be thoroughly
understood and appreciated by the country Packers, who are in
the habit of leaving their mules and Horses here when the regular
work of packing goods to the Mines is suspended for the winter.
The animals even at that season, are said to improve in condition,
though left to seek their own food, and to roam at large over the
country, a fact which speaks volumes in favour of the climate and
of the natural pastures. It has certainly never been my good
fortune to visit a country more pleasing to the eye, or possessing
a more healthy and agreeable climate, or a greater extent of fine
pasture land, and there is no doubt that with a smaller amount of labour and outlay
than in almost any other Colony, the energetic
settler may soon surround himself with all the elements of
affluence and comfort.
3. Notwithstanding these advantages, such have hitherto been
the difficulties of access, that the course of regular settlement
has hardly yet commenced.
A. 4
4. A good deal of running stock has been brought in for sale
but with the exception of eight or ten persons, there are no
farmers in the District. One of those,
Mr McLean, a native of
Scotland, and lately of the Hudson's Bay Company's Service, has
recently settled on a beautiful spot, near the debouch of
Hat River, and is rapidly bringing his land into cultivation. He has a great number of horses
cattle of the finest American breeds, and from the appearance of the crops, there
is every
prospect that his labour and outlay will be well rewarded. He
is full of courage, and as confident, as deserving of success.
He entertains no doubt whatever of the capabilities of the soil,
which he thinks will, under proper management, produce any kind
of grain or root crops. The only evil he seriously apprehends
the want of rain and the consequent droughts of summer, which has
induced him to bring a supply of water from a neighbouring stream,
by which he can at pleasure irrigate the whole of his fields.
5. I received an equally favourable report from
Mr Reynolds, who commenced a farm at the
Pavillion in the year
1859, and he has consequently had the advantage of two years experience.
His last crop, besides a profusion of garden vegetables,
consisted of Oats, Barley, Turnips, and Potatoes, and the produce
was most abundant. The land under potatoes yielded 375 bushels
to the acre. The turnip crop was no less prolific, one of the
roots weighed 26 lbs; and Swedes of 15 lbs and 16 lbs were
commonly met with. He could not give the yield of Oats and
Barley, the greater part having been sold in the
sheaf for the use of the Mule Trains passing to and from the Mines; but the
crop, as was manifest from the weight and length of the straw,
which attained a height of fully four feet, was remarkably good.
He generally allows his cattle to run at large, and they seldom
require to be housed or fed in winter.
6. The cold is never severe, the greatest depth of snow in
1859 was 12 inches;
and the following winter it did not exceed 6 inches. Ploughing commences about the
middle of March. The summers are generally dry, and
Mr Reynolds is of opinion that irrigation will be found an indispensable application in the process
husbandry in this District. In the dry summer of
1859 he kept water almost constantly running through his fields, but applied
it only twice during the summer of
1860, when the moisture of the
atmosphere proved otherwise sufficient for the crops.
7. The numerous streams which permeate the valleys of this
District afford admirable facilities for inexpensive irrigation, so
bountiful indeed has Nature been in this respect, that it is hardly
an exaggeration to say that there is a water-course or rivulet for
every moderate sized farm that will be opened in the District.
8. A few successful
experiments in husbandry will give confidence and add to the number of the farming
class, which continues to be in a lamentable minority in every part of the Colony,
even in Districts where one would suppose Mining to be a less profitable pursuit than
the cultivation of the soil.
9. The Mining Districts of
Thompson's River, and of
the Fraser
below the
Pavillion, have been almost abandoned by the white Miners of the
Colony, who have been generally carried away by the prevailing excitement to the
Cariboo and
Antler Creek Mines, and their claims
are now occupied by Chinamen and Native Indians, the latter
especially exhibiting an unwonted degree of activity in Mining—their
daily earnings sometimes reach the large sum of Two pounds
Sterling, and never, as they assured me, fall short of Eight Shillings,
so that they are becoming exceedingly valuable to the
Colony, both
as producers, and as a tax-paying population.
I, in fact, ascertained
from the official Returns of Yale, that 30 per cent of the amount of Roads Tolls was levied directly on the goods of
Indians leaving that place; and from their numbers and habits it may be fairly
assumed that 40 per cent of the whole revenue collectively accruing
from Tolls and Customs falls on them.
10. The Mines on
River have lately attracted much attention, in consequence of quantities of coarse gold
having been
found in pieces weighing as much as three quarters of an ounce, and
the discovery of a Stratum of auriferous earth—in Mining phrase,
"pay dirt"—from three to four feet in thickness, at a much higher
level than the present bed of the river, which until then was
supposed to be the exclusive depository of Gold. This circumstance
has given
a new direction to the industry of the place, the Miners having less faith in surface
diggings, and being generally impressed
with the advantage of deeper sinkings, which may probably reveal, as
was the case in the Gold Fields of
Victoria, greater wealth than has
yet been found, and this in my opinion is simply a question of time.
11. There are extensive flats or Holmes in the Valley of
the Thompson that give a
large return of Gold, but being above the river, they cannot be worked to much advantage
until water from a higher level that can be applied to sluicing is brought into play.
Several smooth water-worn nuggets, weighing as much as two ounces, have
been found on the
Thompson below
Lake Kamloops, and diggings have
been lately discovered on three of the affluents of
North River
(North Branch of
the Thompson). The Streams flowing
from the
Eastward into
Okanagan Lake are also reported to be highly productive
of Gold—facts, which all tend to support the theory alluded to in
my Despatch of the
4th of June last regarding the existence of
a vast auriferous Ridge or Water-shed, extending from
Rock Creek to
Fort George, and dividing
the Columbia from the waters of
Fraser River.
12. I feel a deep
interest in the exploration and development
of that valuable and important division of the Colony, which is now
so difficult of access as to be practically closed to the ordinary
settler; and there is moreover, no convenient place where the
Miner can replenish his exhausted stores. With the view of
removing these drawbacks, I propose to lay out a Town Site, as
a Mining Depôt, and centre
of trade on
Thompsons River about ten
miles below
Lake Kamloops, from whence the navigation is said to
be practicable for Stern-Wheel Boats, through
Lake Kamloops to the
distance of 100 Miles up
North River, and also by the South Branch
the Thompson to the further extremity of
Shouswap Lake. As
another part of the plan, I propose that Steam Boats of the same
class should be employed in
Lake, connecting with the
Caravans arriving by the way of
Hope and
Shimilkameen from
Frasers River, and finally, a good road between the two Lakes
Shouswap and
Okanagan, and from the latter Lake continued in a Southerly
direction to the
Columbia River, will complete a line of communication
connecting the Eastern Districts with
Frasers River, and affording facilities for transport that will render
Hope the channel of trade,
prevent it from seeking an outlet by the
Columbia River, and which in other respects will be of inestimable advantage to the Colony.
13. The latest accounts from
Cariboo confirm the former reports
of its vast auriferous wealth. About 1500 men are supposed to be
congregated in those Mines, and the number is continually augmented
by the arrival of fresh bodies of Miners. It will be a work of
difficulty to keep them supplied with food, a service which now
gives employment to about 1200 transport horses and mules, and I
am in hopes that the large profits made in that business will lead
to its extension.
14. To facilitate the transport to those Mines, I authorised
a grant of Four Hundred Pounds to improve the River Trail from
Cayoosh to
Williams Lake;
and Four Hundred Pounds to open a Trail from
Quesnelle to
Cariboo Lake, the charge, in both cases, to be defrayed out of the District Revenues.
15. The remoteness of the
Cariboo Mines, and the large
assemblage of people there, have rendered it necessary to establish
a Gold Escort for the conveyance of treasure from
Quesnelle to
Westminster, and more especially with the view
of strengthening the hands of the Magistrates in those distant localities by the
periodical exhibition of a small Military Force. This will put
the Colony to much expense, but I conceive it is an indispensable
precaution that may prevent much future evil.
16. There is nothing of much importance to communicate
respecting the Towns of
Cayoosh and
Douglas, except that they are
both progressively improving.
I authorised the grant of allotments of land to the
Bishop of British Columbia, at those places, as sites for Churches, and Two Hundred Pounds at each, in aid of
private contributions for the erection thereof. The latter measure was adopted at
the instance of the inhabitants generally, who represented that they had no building
where Divine Service
could be properly held, that they had contributed liberally towards
the fund, and that their
own means alone were not adequate to the
erection of Churches. In those circumstances, and as no other
denomination of Christians were in the field in that part of the
Colony, I most cordially responded to the wishes of the public.
17. I returned to
New Westminster on the
20th of June, and in conclusion it only remains for me to add the gratifying intelligence
that peace and good order prevail throughout the Colony.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
P.S. An Explanatory Map is transmitted with this Despatch.
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
I think that if this despatch is soon given to the Parl
y Clerk it may be included in the collection of
B. Columbia
correspondence now in the hands of the printer.
To the Printer if in time.
I will reduce the map & lithograph it within the space of
a fortnight from this date.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Map not in file. Published in
Further Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia,
Part IV, ff p. 54.