No. 49
22 August 1861
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Grace's
Despatch No 79 of the 15th May last, in which Your Grace has entered into a review of four Proclamations transmitted
with my Despatch No 11 of the 6th February 1861.
2. I beg to tender my apologies for the delay which
in forwarding those Proclamations, and I cannot but admit the
full force of your Grace's strictures on the loose manner in
which they appear to have been drawn. I have forwarded a copy
of your Despatch for the information of the Attorney General,
and I will take care that the alterations suggested are attended
to, and that the publication of Her Majesty's disallowance of
the Act to facilitate the trial of Criminals, be made without delay.
3. I feel much indebted to Your Grace for the great trouble
you have taken in addressing me upon this subject, and for so
kindly and so clearly pointing out the great errors into which
we have fallen.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant,
James Douglas