8 October 1861
I have the honor of transmitting herewith a memorial
addressed to Your Grace by
Mr J.A.R. Homer, and eight
other persons for the purpose of stating their professed
grievances, and urging the policy of establishing
representative institutions in
British Columbia.
2. This document may be regarded as embodying at most,
the individual opinions of the authors of the Memorial who have
no just claim to the ambitious distinction of being considered
a representative body, and I am not aware that their political
influence or social status is such as would entitle them to
assume the part of becoming exponents
of the views, and wishes
of the people of this Colony.
3. I have refused to receive them in their assumed character
of "The British Columbia Convention." The term is associated with
revolution, and holds out a menace. The subject has an undoubted
right to petition his Sovereign, but the term Convention means
something more; it implies coercion.
4. I have no desire to
accuse the authors of the memorial
of entertaining any malevolent designs; the majority of them
being known as quiet well meaning tradesmen; sincerely attached,
I believe, to the institutions of the country; but at the same
time, I am not disposed to overlook the fact that they may
become for seditious purposes, the dupes of artful men.
5. I have therefore
charged the Magistrates to keep an eye
over their movements, and not to interfere with their proceedings,
as long as they commit no violation of the Law.
6. Their last meeting at
Hope, of which this memorial is the only result, appears from the Magistrates report to
excited very little public interest, as after the first day's
Session scarcely any person, except the authors
of the memorial, attended the meeting.
7. With respect to the prayer of the Memorialists, that is,
the redress of grievances, and the grant of representative
institutions, I will observe that I fully, and cordially admit
the proposition that liberty is the Englishmans birthright, and
that the desire for representative institutions is common to all
Her Majesty's subjects. I have no wish to say anything
to the
contrary or to advocate any system of Government which deprives
the meanest of Her Majesty's subjects, of their just rights, and
8. Parliament has, however, seen fit, for good and sufficient
reasons, to establish a temporary form of Government in
British Columbia not unusual in the infancy of British Colonies, the
Government of
the Queen in Council, and Parliament, I think,
adopted a wise and judicious course.
9. For my own part, I would not assume the responsibility of
recommending any immediate change in the form of Government, as
now established, until there is a permanent British population to
form the basis of a representative Government, a population
attached to the British throne and constitution, and capable of
appreciating the civil and religous liberty derived from
constitution; blessings which I venture to assert are now enjoyed
in the fullest sense of the term, by the people of
British Columbia.
My opinion on the subject has in fact undergone no change
since I had the honor of addressing Your Grace on the 22nd of
April last in my despatch (Separate) reporting on a former
Memorial forwarded at that time.
10. It is hardly I presume
necessary that I should trouble
Your Grace with a very detailed notice of the grievances enumerated
by the Memorialists, which may be classed under the following
1. The non-residence of the Governor, and Colonial officials.
2. The tax on passengers entering the Colony, and the want of
a public hospital.
3. The absence of an official Survey of the Colony.
4. The want of a Mail service.
5. The want of public schools.
6. Inequality of taxation.
7. Duty on Ship building materials.
8. Establishment of the Gold Escort.
9. Grants to the Episcopal Church.
11. With respect to the first of these complaints, the
residence of the Governor and Colonial Officials in
Vancouvers Island,
I beg to inform Your Grace that all the Colonial
with the exception of the Governor, Colonial Secretary, and
Attorney General, who hold similar appointments in
Island, do actually reside in
British Columbia, and it is my
intention as soon as an Attorney General is appointed for
Columbia to require him to reside in the Colony.
My own time is in a great measure occupied
with the affairs
British Columbia, and since the beginning of the present year,
I have resided nearly half the time within the Colony.
The Colonial Secretary is necessarily detained in
Vancouvers Island to attend in my absence to the official duties of both
Colonies, but even were it not so, his residence in
British Columbia under existing circumstances would be to employ his
services in the least useful manner, and to the greatest
disadvantage of the public business.
There appears therefore very slender grounds for this complaint,
as with the exception of the inhabitants of
New Westminster it is
in reality a matter of little importance to the people of
British Columbia whether the Governor resides at
Victoria, or at
New Westminster as matters can be referred
to him as readily at the one
place as the other.
12. There is certainly nothing objectionable in principle, nor
practically oppressive in the "Passenger tax," alluded to in the
second complaint; it being levied under the head of Harbour dues,
on Vessels entering the Colony, and not directly on Passengers. It
yields a sufficient amount of income to defray the charges incurred
for the
relief of the sick, and casual poor,
The principle of such a Tax has been reorganized in British
America. It is a very beneficient one.
but is altogether inadequate to the support of a public Hospital, an establishment
which would without necessity, put the Colony to a very heavy expense, as the hand
of private charity is equal to the relief of
the very few cases of real distress, which occur.
13. "Official Surveys" will be made of the Colony
whenever a demand arises for land, but it is an error to suppose that, "but
little is known of the internal resources of the Colony," or "of
the best route to the Mining regions," on both of those points the
Government is well informed, and the most strenuous efforts are
being made, at this moment, to remove difficulties of access, and
to open the internal communications of the country.
14. A regular Mail Service
has for some time past been
established for the conveyance of letters to
Hope, and
Yale; it has not however been extended beyond these points on account of the great expense
to which the Colony would be put
by an efficient overland postal service, and I may add that with
the present small population, the cost would be altogether
disproportional to the object.
This circumstance gives rise to no inconvenience, as letters
are regularly carried to the remotest gold fields at a not
unreasonable charge, considering the cost of travelling by private
express companies, which have been engaged in that business since
the early part of
1858, and I do not consider it advisable to disturb that arrangement which relieves the
Government of so much
responsibility, and expense.
15. Government has not been unmindful of the subject
education, and will make provision for the establishment of public
schools as soon as required; there are at present two schools in
New Westminster, and certainly not over half a dozen children fit for school at any of the other
towns in
British Columbia.
16. On the subject of taxation I may generally remark, that
the Revenue is levied on a population of at least 35,000 persons,
and not on 8000 as represented
in the Memorial, and two thirds
of the whole sum is paid by native consumers. I may further
assure Your Grace that it has been collected without oppression
on the part of the Government, or murmuring on the part of the people.
17. As a proof that the road taxes collected at
Hope, and
Yale, are not considered "unfair", and meet the general
approval of the people, I forward copies of three petitions lately
from the Merchants and inhabitants of
Yale, and
Lytton, recommending an additional tax for the formation of roads, which have produced so
large a saving in the cost of transport, as already to make a tenfold return to the
18. The Gold Escort, as I informed Your Grace in a former
communication, has a two-fold object, the safe conveyance of Gold
from the
distant parts of the Country, and to assist the Magistrates in enforcing obedience,
and respect to the laws. There must be a
mistake about the irregularities alluded to in the Memorial, as
the Escort has not yet accomplished its first trip to
a distance of 500 miles, but is reported to be on the way with
a large amount of Treasure.
19. The prohibiting duty
on ship building materials is hardly
more real than the former complaint, as the timber is produced in
the Colony, and is subject to no duty whatever, while none of the
other materials are charged with anything more than the regular
duty of 10 per cent ad valorem levied on other commodities.
20. I informed Your Grace in my Despatch Separate,
July, that I have
granted the sums of £200 each, at the request,
and in aid of the private contributions of the inhabitants of
Douglas, and
Lytton for building Churches in these towns, with
the sole object of providing decent places of christian worship,
which did not previously exist, and to promote the interests of
religion and morality.
21. In conclusion I have only to express my
sincere regret
that the authors of the Memorial did not bring forward some
practical scheme for the advancement of the Colony, instead of
occupying their time in an attempt to excite distrust, and foment
discontent, when no real or substantial grievance does, I believe
in point of fact exist.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
As a significant commentary upon the Memorial herewith forwarded, I
append cuttings, in connection
therewith, from the "British Colonist", and
"British Columbian" newspapers, both of which are noted for the acrimony
which they display against the Government, but are nevertheless not able
to accord upon this matter.
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The general question of granting Representative Institutions to
British Columbia has been for some months under consideration. See the Minutes on 4653.
Mr Fortescue
A collection of former papers on this subject has I believe
been out of the Division in circulation for some considerable
time. I have little doubt that the postponement of Representative
Government is in fact a benefit to this or to any other young
Community, and there does not appear to be yet any general demand
for that kind of Constitution. A large proportion of gold-diggers
in the population, including a considerable admixture of Americans,
would not add to the favorable prospects of popular Government.
The time of course will come when this like every other British
Colony situated in a temperate climate & occupied by inhabitants
of European race, ought to possess a Representative Legislature.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Memorial to
Newcastle from the
British Columbia Convention,
11 September 1861, expressing various grievances against the government, as per despatch, nine signatures.
Petition to
Douglas from the inhabitants of
Yale, no date, stressing the importance of extending the inland communication routes and
asking for taxes to be increased in order to finance certain projects.
Petition to
Douglas from the inhabitants of
Lytton, no date,
making application as noted above.
Petition to
Douglas from the inhabitants of
18 October
1861, making application as noted above.
Memorial from the inhabitants of
Yale, no date, reporting the results of a meeting held
5 October 1861 on the subject of a wagon road to be constructed between
Yale and
Cook's and Kimball Ferry,
and thanking the governor for his support of the project.
Newspaper clippings, British Columbian, 14 and 19 September and 3 October 1861, on the proceedings of the British Columbian Convention.