With reference to your letter of the
4th instant
enclosing the answer of the Lords Commissioners of Her
Majesty's Treasury on the subject of the Pensions of the
Hudson's Bay Company and stating that His Grace the
of Newcastle is anxious that no further delay should take
place in this matter,
I am directed by the Lord President
of the Council to inform you that His Lordship instructed me to
communicate to
Mr Maynard, the Solicitor of the Hudson's
Bay Company, the nature of the answer given by the Lords
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to the effect that
any claims which might arise out of the reference to the
Privy Council must be met out of such means as the local
Governments have at their disposal, and can in no case be
allowed to fall upon Funds which would have to be provided by Parliament.
Having made this communication
to the Agent of the
Company I have received from that Gentleman a letter
dated the
27th instant stating that his Clients cannot
be satisfied with having to look to the Colonial Revenues
but that they consider that they have only the Imperial
Government to look to as it is with that Government alone
that the transactions in question have been discussed.
They add that they therefore think that it will not be
expedient to proceed with the petitions which have been
presented until this matter is cleared up as it may render
necessary some alteration of the Petitions.
Her Majesty had been pleased to refer the petitions
of the Hudson's Bay Company to the Judicial Committee
at the Council on the
26th instant before the last
mentioned communication of the Agent had been received,
but under these circumstances the
Duke of Newcastle will
perceive that the Lords of the Judicial Committee are not
able to enter upon the investigation of the legal title
of the Company until the parties are willing to proceed
and have
produced the evidence in support of their claim.