14 October 1861
[Note in file:]
"Folios 161r—165r being too large, will be photographed later."
Your Memorialists ascertained from His Excellency, with deep
concern in reply to a deputation that he had not the power to grant any
sum from the Revenue of the Colony without the consent of Her Majesty's
Government, but at the same time expressed his entire concurrence in the
object of the Memorial.
Therefore it was unanimously resolved at a subsequent meeting, that
a Memorial to Your Grace should be forwarded from this Colony praying
that Her Majesty's Government would be pleased to comply with the
prayer of Your Memorialists in authorizing His Excellency to grant the
necessary sum.
Furthermore Your Memorialists are fully alive to the growing
importance of Imperial, as well as Colonial interests, that they should
have a reliable source of communication with Great Britain, and
think this to be a fitting opportunity to represent to Your Grace that
notwithstanding the many drawbacks Your Memorialists have suffered from
various causes in their progress since the foundation of the Colony,
they can boast that
British Columbia from recent developments, is the
richest auriferous and mineral country in the world, that the
agricultural capacity of the Colony exceeds the most sanguine
expectations our Forests unsurpassed for marine and commercial purposes
and our Fisheries invite the trade of all nations.
That Your Memorialists look forward with a degree of certainty to a
large immigration attracted by the richness of the Gold Fields of
British Columbia in the course of the spring and summer of next year
That Your Memorialists seriously apprehend that the present
troubles of the United States, however much they may be deplored, are
not unlikely to extend to the Pacific Coast, and thus in all probability
under existing arrangements, would effectively cut off our communication
with the Mother country.
Whilst Your Memorialists believe that these circumstances of
themselves are sufficient, there may be others of still greater Imperial
importance to induce Her Majesty's Government to meet the prayer of your
Memorialists by placing a Mail line of Steamers between
Panama and
New Westminster, and thus free us from the humiliating position of depending
soley upon the courtesy of a Foreign Power for the conveyance of our
Mails, the irregularities of which have proved a constant source of
annoyance and great injury to the commercial interests of the Colony.
Your Memorialists are most anxious, representing as they do, the
sentiment of the people of this Colony, to explain to Your Grace that
Emigrants and Miners whose destination is
British Columbia have
materially suffered pecuniarly by the Ocean Steamers hitherto making
Vancouver Island, the port of debarkation.
And although the people of
British Columbia have as yet no Voice in
its Legislation, Your Memorialists avail themselves of this
opportunity of stating most respectfully to Your Grace that no measure
short of the Ocean Steamers from "
San Francisco" or "
Panama" making
New Westminster" their destination will give that satisfaction expected
by the Inhabitants.
Your Memorialists therefore humbly hope that the prayer of their
Memorial may be granted, and that Your Grace will receive with
favourable consideration the claims of the people in this Colony upon
the Imperial Government, whose loyalty to the Throne is not to be
And Your Memorialists as in duty bound will ever pray
&c &c &c
W.E. Cormack
Municipal Council
Town Clerk
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The subject of Postal Communication between this Country &
B. Columbia &
Van Couver Island is under the consideration of the Treasury. They might
be reminded of it by sending them the present Memorial, & the
Memorialists answered thro' the
Govr to the effect that such was
the case.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply,
Newcastle to
Douglas, No. 95,
23 December 1861, requesting that any future memorials be sent through
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
27 December 1861, forwarding copy of the memorial for consideration.