Ffennell to Colonial Office
It is suggested that the Salmon Fisheries should be placed
under Supervision as well as the land to give security to private
enterprise, and to prevent Confusion of rights and waste, and that
an area of water producing Salmon is likely as Civilization
progresses, and Commerce extends, to become more valuable by one
hundred fold and more, than the same area of land.
That the first step towards promoting the objects referred to,
should be the employment of a person of practical knowledge to
review the rivers to an extent sufficient to enable him to report
upon their capabilities, and to point out the steps which should be
taken to prevent abuses before thay have set in, and to
suggest the
modes by which a system of healthy enterprise may be promoted in
the Colony.
By adopting this course many persons from this Country might
soon be induced to embark in the Salmon Fishery of
British Columbia, by receiving information which they would rely upon, if
Communicated on the authority of a person of practical knowledge
while at present they can only obtain fragments of information
derived from persons in the Colony whose attention has been
attracted to the question by the immense quantity of fish which
they see exist, and which a few have Communicated, but are unable
to offer any opinion upon the practicality of embarking in such an

The quantity of Salmon which at present exist in
British Columbia, and the extent of rivers producing them is so far
beyond any thing which the waters of Great Britain and Ireland ever
produced or could produce that no idea can be formed at present of
their relative value.
The Salmon Fisheries of that Colony appear to be one of the
resources of the Country which might be most readily brought into
Commercial Development if measures were taken to promote it.
Those fisheries are in their present state, natural, and
unimpaired, but as population increases abuses are certain to
follow, asin
in Canada for instance, where the Government are now
obliged to take up the question and appoint officers to check the
evil—whereas if timely measures be taken to prevent encroachments,
and destruction, much ultimate loss to the Country may be prevented.
The Government now possess those Fisheries—no real or assumed
vested rights by individuals have been established, and it is
suggested that now is the proper time to place them under the
protection of the state, and that they may be soon profitably
disposed of under judicious regulations to enterprising
individuals, and thus bring a large revenue into the Country,
affording increased capital for further and more general operations
of industry.
Minutes by CO staff
This Letter is from
Mr Ffennell—one of the late Fishery
Commissioners in this Country, and who is, as I understand from
Mr Fenwick, M.P. a gentleman fully conversant with his subject,
& able to offer valuable suggestions.
Every body knows that the rivers of
B. Columbia abound in
fish, of which the natives avail themselves though probably not
with the economy of fish life and management of resources which
European skill and experience
wd bring to bear. Hitherto no
steps have been taken for protecting the salmon fisheries from
encroachments, and destruction. The attention of the

has been mainly directed to gold seeking. But there can be no
reason why timely measures of protection &ca should not be adopted.
With this view I think it
wd be desirable to ask
Mr Ffennell
to say what are the documents—Parliamentary or otherwise—which it
would be useful to supply the Governor with so that he might frame
a Proclamation, or at least regulations suitable to the object, and
the habits of the Country.
N.B. I have a strong impression that there are several

now on the spot fully equal to the task of reviewing the
rivers, & reporting upon their capabilities.
Mr Fortescue
You may perhaps be better able than I am to give an opinion on the
control and management of Salmon Fisheries. In old Countries like
ours the subject is doubtless an important one and admits of a
great deal of regulation. But in a wholly new Country like
British Columbia where every species of game is doubtless viewed as
perfectly wild and open to be killed or taken by any man, I should
imagine that the notion of regulating Fisheries must be entirely
misplaced, and that it could lead to no result except affording a
pleasant trip and an agreeable appointment to this gentleman, if
his suggestion were entertained.
I think he might be thanked for his mem. and asked to mention
the public documents which wh. it wd. be

advisable to supply the
Govr, for his information, in calling his attention to the due
preservation of the Salmon Fisheries.
It has become absolutely necessary in Canada to pass laws for
the preservation of the Fisheries, more especially that of Salmon,
and it is one of the Indian grievances that they are forbidden to
destroy them recklessly. This would be an obstacle to any measure
Columbia, but it will soon become a matter of much interest &
importance and it is quite right to call early attention to it.
Write to
Mr F. & to
Govr as proposed.
Other documents included in the file
Fortescue to
27 March 1861, thanking him for the
memorandum, informing him that the governor will be instructed to take
steps for the proper preservation of the fisheries, and asking to be
"furnished with the titles of any public documents with which it might be
desirable to supply him for his assistance in carrying out the object in