Referring to the second Paragraph of my Despatch to Your
Grace N
o 72, of the
23rd November last, wherein I mention
the Sum of Two Thousand pounds (£2000) as being still available from
the Parliamentary Grant for
British Columbia, for the year
31st March 1862,
I have the honor to acquaint Your
Grace that money being required to meet payments due to the
Royal Engineers, I have authorized the Treasurer to draw for
this Sum in the usual manner of Bills on Her Majesty's Paymaster
General, which Bills I trust will be duly accepted on presentation.
2. I have been obliged to obtain this money earlier than I
intended, for I had no other resource from which to pay the
As is mentioned in my Despatch of this date marked "Separate,"
Fraser River has been frozen over since the beginning of the year,
and the direct communication with
New Westminster stopped. In
consequence our usual Revenue has almost completely failed me,
and we have been reduced to the necessity of effecting a temporary
loan to meet current expenditure.