23 August 1862
By the arrival of the Hudson's Bay Company's Steamer "
Otter" last
night, I have received intelligence from
Stickeen to the
11th of August.
2. It appears by these accounts that the Miners
as a body,
have not been successful in discovering remunerative diggings,
a few only of the mining claims having yielded from eight
to ten dollars a day.
3. It is stated on the other hand that lump-gold has been
found on the North Fork of
the Stickeen; and that a party of
resolute adventurers have determined to explore that Branch of
the River, and to winter there. The great majority of the Miners
will however,
no doubt return to this place.
4. Notwithstanding these cheerless accounts, and the present
despondency of the Miners, I firmly believe that the exploration
of the country will be vigorously prosecuted, and that the proper
auriferous leads from whence the drift gold is carried and deposited
on the river banks, will be ultimately discovered and turned to
good account.
5. Her Majesty's Steam Frigate "
Devastation" was lately
dispatched by
Admiral Sir Thomas Maitland, at my
request, on a
friendly visit to
New Archangel (Sitka) and
Stickeen. I took
advantage of that occasion to address the enclosed Communication
to the Governor of the Russian-American Possessions, expressing
my great desire to cooperate with his Government in maintaining
the peace of the country, and the friendly relations subsisting
between our respective Governments. I however carefully abstained
from raising questions touching territorial rights, assuming as
a settled point, that the visits of British Vessels and
the Stickeen River, and the acts necessarily consequent thereon,
such as passing through the
Russian Territory, and anchoring in
Russian waters, are strictly in accordance with the spirit of the
Convention of
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
I do not think this need go to Land Board.
It is merely a report of the latest news from
when seen by the
Duke of Newcastle, I apprehend that it may be Put by.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
I take advantage of a projected visit of Her Britannic Majesty's Steam Ship
Devastation to the Northern Coast, to convey to Your Excellency as Governor of the Russian Possessions
in that quarter, my assurances of high respect and consideration; and to express my
readiness and desire to cöoperate with you on
all occasions for the mutual benefit of our two Countries.
2 - I understand that recent discoveries of the existence of Gold in the
Stickeen River have attracted many adventurers to the British Possessions on that quarter, contiguous
to the Territories of his Imperial Majesty. _
_ I trust that this circumstance has not caused any annoyance or uneasiness to Your
Excellency, and that none of Her Majesty's subjects who may be amongst those adventurers
have committed any trespass upon
Russian Territory, or having visited
Russian Territory,
have been guilty of any unlawful acts. _
3 - Until more certain information is obtained, it is not probable that any Government
Officer will be sent to these new Gold-fields; but in the meantime I shall greatly
esteem any suggestions with which you may favour me, that may the more effectually
serve to the preservation of law and order, and to the observance of the Treaty between
Great Britain and Russia, of February A.D. 1825.