No. 45
4 November 1862
Rumours have recently reached me that some of the Assistant
Gold Commissioners, and their Subordinates, have more or less
directly or indirectly, entered into Mining speculations; that
is to say have become personally interested in Mining affairs,
directly directly by taking up a mining claim, or by purchasing an
interest in a claim, or indirectly by investing money in claims
upon behalf of relatives or friends.
2. I have not yet been able to ascertain the entire truth of
these reports, but I much fear, from the fact of one of the
Subordinate Officers having suddenly resigned his situation, and
immediately afterwards become the avowed possessor of a rich claim
Carribou, that they are not altogether destitute of foundations.
I, therefore, have not hesitated to address a Circular to such
Officers, and, generally, to Officers throughout the Colony,
distinctly and peremptorily forbidding any such practices.
3. I am well aware that the temptations offered to Officers
in a gold producing Country are of no ordinary character, and
the more especially were they so, during the past season at
Carribou, for with the famine prices of provisions, flour at one
time being upwards of Six Shillings a pound!—it has been a hard
struggle with some of them to
procure procure the bare means of subsistence,
notwithstanding their apparent high rate of salary, but, still, I
can entertain no doubt of the serious evil which may result in
such a Country from Officers being in any way mixed up with matters,
which, sooner or later, can hardly fail to be affected, one way
or the other, by the decisions which they may find themselves
called upon to give, and I have therefore imperatively laid down
the rule that Officers must surrender their interests in such
speculations, or abandon the service of the Government.
4. I enclose a copy of the Circulars which I have caused to
be issued, and, as I doubt not that the question has arisen in
other Colonies somewhat similarly circumstanced to
British Columbia.
I should feel thankful if Your Grace would favor me with your
views thereupon, and advise me how far, in a new Colony, it may
be just for a Government to prevent its Servants from investing
their Savings in the enterprises which such a Country offers.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Approve the Circular addressed to the Gold Commissioners? I cannot ascertain on enquiry
that a similar question has ever arisen in any other Colony.
A very proper Circular indeed, I think.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Douglas to Heads of Departments,
30 October 1862,
forwarding a second circular as noted below, and advising that the
principle therein expressed should be known to all officers in the
Douglas to Assistant Gold Commissioners,
30 October
1862, advising that no public officials could engage in mining
speculation and still hold office in the colony, with explanation.
Other documents included in the file