Adverting to my Despatch N
o 45 of the
4th Ultimo,
wherein I submitted to Your Grace copy of two Circulars which I had caused to be issued
in connection with the subject of Gold Commissioners holding an interest in Mining
claims, I have the honor to acquaint Your Grace that in consequence of a report being
generally circulated that
Mr Begbie, the Judge of
British Columbia, had, during his recent absence on Circuit in
Carribou, purchased an interest in a Mining claim, I deemed it right to call upon him to state
whether there existed any foundation for such report.
2. The reply of
Mr Begbie, which I here enclose, contains, I am happy to say, the most
unqualified contradiction of the report in question.
3. Your Grace will observe
Mr Begbie's remarks upon the right which may exist to inquire into matters in connection with
private property. I have informed
Mr Begbie very distinctly that in all cases in which it may be considered that the private
interests of public servants conflict with the due discharge of
their public duties, it is the undoubted right of the Executive to institute the fullest
inquiry not only as an
obligation due the public, but also as an act of justice to the individual concerned.