Gosset to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
58 Gloster Crescent
Hyde Park
Novr 10 1862
Probably the most satisfactory reply I can give your
communication of the
medium30th, with reference to the Assay &
Melting branch of the British Columbia Mint, is, by soliciting
from His Grace the
Duke of Newcastle, that attention to my report
July 15/62, which, in it, I ventured to ask.
The report embraced the very points now under consideration—the
Departments past
condition, and prospects.
It was penned specially for the information of His Grace, in
anticipation of my views as Head of the Department being desired.
It was forwarded to
Governor Douglas for transmission as part of
a correspondence relating to certain claims advanced by the Assay
Officers, and should therefore be found in your office. I however
enclose a copy.
To that report I should have nothing to add, were it not, that
in your letter under acknowledgement, the sum of £9000 is in error
quoted to me, as outlay in connection with the Melting
and Assay
Department; whereas, that sum, as the report clearly states, includes
the cost (about £2000) of the Mint, or
coining, machinery, procured by
Mr Douglas in
1861, prematurely
as I thought at the time,
and erected by me at
New Westminister prior to my departure.
As my report further implies, other reductions should be made,
in studying the legitimate cost of the Assay Establishment.
Although such corrections in the total expenditure, are necessary
an impartial scrutiny of the Department's career, it is not to
be inferred, that I ever calculated upon first costs, plant, freight,
passages, buildings &c &c, being directly repaid by current receipts.
When I wrote on the 25th April 1859, advocating the Melting
and Assay parts of a Mint, I only anticipated the direct repayment of
Current expenses by current receipts, and that, not until after
the first year of the Department's establishment.
That my original expectations have not been fully realized, and
may not
be, even during another year, does not shake my conviction
of their rectitude. At the time I formed my opinions, I never
imagined, that
British Columbia's Capital would long be without a
resident Governor, or the Colony without a Council and Assembly
or that therefore, many measures contemplated at the time, deemed by
the Colonists essential to
British Columbia's progress, and which
such institutions would have ensured at an early date, could have
remained wanting to this day!
The Assay office has shared in the general effects resulting
from a lack of a
popular policy. It suffered also a direct blow
at the outset from delay in its establishment, for, doubts as to
its future promptness were at once engendered, and to my
discomfiture, private assayers were forming their connections the
while. Notwithstanding these drawbacks, the Department is steadily
gaining public confidence. A comparison of corresponding quarters,
exhibits a regular and promising increase of business; and, the
receipts by fees, although, as you remind me, if only £900 in
two years, were £600 in the second year, or
one third
one third of the annual
current expenses.
In highAugst, my last month in the Colony, about 5,500 ounces
of gold were received for assay, against 1,700 ounces in the
corresponding month of last year—a triple quantity. Should this
rate of average continue, the Department would be directly
But, whether the current fees do or do not suffice to defray
expenses, is regarded by the Colonists as a matter of very little
moment. The effect of the Government office in checking
amongst private assayers, is understood and loudly aknowledged.
The saving to the Colony by this alone, at the lowest computation,
exceeds the total cost of the assay department,
first cost current expenses, and every other item included!.
To confine any examination of the department's worth, to the mere
consideration of its apparent cost, to the exclusion of the well known
fact that any disturbance of its operations would be the tocsin
for an enormous loss to the general community, would but ill accord
with the views of the
remarkably intelligent and practical people
British Columbia, who, sensible of the department's great value,
desire its fullest development, and, of all expenditure out of
taxation, have approved none more than that for the erection of the
Melting, Assay, (and now Mint) buildings in
New Westminister, and
for preserving efficiency therein.
P.S. In confirmation of my statements
as to
as to public opinion, I
enclose an adress presented to me by the Council of
New Westminster.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The report which
Capt Gosset refers—and of which he
now sends a Copy has not been received thro' the
With reference to our late Correspondence with the Treasury,
22 Sepr from here & their answer of
1862-10-236) send them, for
their Consideration, this letter received from
Capn Gossett in

answer to a desire that he would furnish any observations that he
might be able to offer on the subject.
e Capn Gossett's letter, acquaint him that his letter
of the
15th July had not before reached this Depart
t, that the
Duke of Newcastle has been glad to be furnished with the additional
particulars and remarks which are supplied by that letter
& by his present communication, & that they have been forwarded to
the L
ds C. of the Treasury for their Lordships information?
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
24 November 1862, expressing thanks for the
details provided and advising that his correspondence had been
forwarded to the treasury for information.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Gosset to Colonial Secretary,
15 July 1862, regarding the
disposition of the assay department with
reference to a salary review requested by the staff.
Return of the total expenditure and receipts of the assay
office from organization in
December 1859 to
30 June 1862, with
remarks appended, signed by
Henry Holbrook, Municipal Council of
New Westminster,
25 August 1862, thanking him for services rendered in
the colony, including the establishment of the assay office.