I have been in communication with a number of friends of
Temperance in Various parts of the Kingdom who have a desire to
emigrate to
British Columbia with a view to forming a Temperance
Settlement in that Colony. It is intended that agriculture shall
be the chief pursuit of the settlers although there will not be
any restriction upon tradesmen to prevent them following their
ordinary calling.
We desire to receive the assistance of
Govt in carrying
out the project in the shape of a free grant of a suitable tract
of land for the purposes of the intended settlement. We trust
that as the
Govt of Auckland is making free grants to the
Nonconformist Settlers and others & the
Govt of Queensland &
Canada free grants to Settlers from Europe, we will not be
deemed to be making an impracticable request & believing as we do
that the land is the possession of the Crown & under the control
of the
Govt in Engl
d. This project has the countenance of
the leading temperance men of Man
r & if a grant can be made to
us, steps will immediately be taken to make the project public &
it will be carried forward with vigour. Already in reply to the
enclosed advt
t in one weekly newspaper
Newspaper clipping attached to margin (obscured).
numerous replies have been received & from
present indications I have no doubt that a respectable company of
settlers will soon be got together. In admitting applicants to
join the party every care will be taken to ensure that they are of
good moral character.