No. 147
28 October 1862
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 32
of the
28th of July 1862, forwarding a correspondence with certain
Officers of the Assay Department of
British Columbia applying for an
increase of salary.
I referred this question,
in a letter of which I annex a copy, for
the consideration of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and I
enclose for your information and guidance a copy of the answer which I
have received.
From this correspondence you will perceive that it is left to you
to deal with the case according to
your discretion.
I shall be glad to receive from you, as soon as you are able to
furnish it, the general information relative to the Assay Department
which is requested by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury in the 7th
and concluding paragraphs of their letter.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient Servant
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Elliot to
22 September 1862, to send a copy of an earlier despatch on the "demand for increase of salary by the
gentlemen of the Assay Office" in
British Columbia.
Peel to
23 October 1862, to report the Treasury's rejection of a pay-raise request from "the gentlemen of
the Assay Department at
New Westminster."
Graham, Royal Mint, to
3 October 1862, in objection to a request for increased pay from "the gentlemen" of "the Government
Assay Office and Refinery in
British Columbia."