No. 19
10 April 1863
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Grace's Despatch N
o 147 of the
28th October 1862, with copies
of a correspondence with the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury,
on the subject of the Assay Department
British Columbia.
2. I observe, with reference to the application of the
Officers of the Assay Department, for an increase of Salary,
that Your Grace has left the matter to be dealt with according to
my discretion, and I have Your Grace's instructions to furnish a
return of the amount of work performed at the Assay office
and its current costs, and receipts, up to the latest period,
with other information connected with that Department of the
public service.
3. I have now the honour of transmitting a return made up
in conformity with Your Grace's instructions.
4. It exhibits the whole quantity of Gold assayed at the
Government Office from its first establishment in
the year 1860
to the 17th March 1863, and also the receipts and costs of the
Department including buildings, for the same time, from which
it appears that the expenditure of the Department exceeds the
receipts from every source, to the extent of Ten
thousand and forty
pounds, nine shillings and eleven pence (£10,040.9.11).
5. These results which are so different from what was
anticipated may be attributed to two causes:
First—The condition of the Country.
Second—The cost of the Establishment.
6. In respect to the first, although the Country in its normal
state abounds in natural resources, these are as yet undeveloped.
Mining is at present its only industrial
pursuit, and Gold its
only available product. This it has to give in exchange for
food, clothing and all the other necessaries of life consumed
within the Colony. For these indispensable wants it is
absolutely dependent on other countries, and is thus being
continually drained of its sole export and convertible capital,
the Gold.
7. The Colony of
Vancouver Island has no mines of Gold, and it is
not in a much better
position with respect to other native products
than the sister Colony. The trade of the former is confined to
furs, coal, and timber of various kinds, which are exported in
small quantities, while the balance of trade, being against the
Colony, is made up of remittances of cash and gold dust.
This operates as a further drain upon the
supply of Gold, which being generally
exported as received from the Mines greatly diminishes the
work, and affects,
to a ruinous extent, the interests of the
Assay establishments in both Colonies.
8. The following trade statistics, in which the two Colonies
are treated as one and the same country, having a common
interest and administration system will serve to illustrate the
foregoing remarks.
9. The declared official value of Imports, at
for the year ending with
31st December 1862, was in round numbers
Three million six hundred and ten
thousand dollars ($3,610,000).
10. In the payment of these imports I assume that one 1/6 of
that sum—equal to Six hundred and two thousand dollars ($602,000)
has been met by cash payments,
and by exports of furs, coal, and timber, including an allowance for
bad debts; there would then remain a balance of Three million eight
thousand dollars ($3,008,000) against the Colony to be paid in Gold dust.
11. The yield of Gold in the whole Colony of
Columbia for
1862 is roundly estimated at Five million dollars
($5,000,000). Assuming as above that Three million eight thousand
dollars ($3,008,000) was remitted in payment of imports, and that Three hundred and
eighty eight thousand dollars ($388,000) left the Colony in private hands not in payment
of imports, forming in all a total export for the year of Three million three hundred
and ninety six thousand dollars ($3,396,000), there would remain an excess of gold
dust produced over the quantity
exported equal to One million
six hundred and four thousand dollars ($1,604,000). This, as will
appear hereafter, very nearly represents the declared value of the
Gold dust assayed in
1862 within the two Colonies.
12. I may here remark that besides the Government
establishment at
New Westminster, two private Assay offices
are in full operation at
Victoria. Their respective returns
for the year 1862 are as follows—
Gold assayed at the Government
New Westminster ounces value in dollars
40,430 634,137
Molitor &
Coy Victoria 41,900 651,275
Cording &
Coy Victoria 19,300 500,000
Total 101,638 $1,585,412
It is found that over two thirds of the aggregate yield
of Gold is annually sent abroad, and that less than one third
of the whole is actually assayed in the two Colonies. These
returns show that the public have not given a decided preference
to the Government establishment, and moreover that the entire
receipts on the Assay
business of the two Colonies, if thrown
into one sum, would not cover the annual expenditure of the
Government Establishment alone.
14. In respect to the second cause of disappointment in the
expectations of the Government Assay Office viz: the cost of the
Establishment; I would observe that the Establishment is upon
a scale not proportioned to the circumstances of the Colony.
In my Despatch of the
11th April 1859, N
o 135, I mentioned that
in my opinion an Assay Office, suitable to the requirements of both
Colonies, could be established at an outlay not exceeding Six
hundred pounds (£600).
Subsequent events have confirmed me in this opinion, and have
shewn me that it was just. The Master of the Royal Mint
when organizing the establishment appears to have taken for
his guide a letter from
Captain Gosset, the Treasurer, forwarded
in my Despatch of the
25th May 1859 N
o 158. In transmitting that
letter which
I did at the solicitation of
Captain Gosset, I merely drew attention to one point contained therein, viz: the serious
inconvenience which was experienced from the want of British coin
in the country. I did not consider it necessary to dissect the
arguments of
Captain Gosset first, because the fallacy of many
of them seemed to me immediately apparent, and secondly because I
forwarded the documents not as part of an official project, but simply
as an emanation from an individual desirous of placing his individual
views before the Secretary of State.
15. From what is before stated it is patent that the Assay
Department maintained by the Government at
New Westminster, is not
and cannot in the present circumstances of the Colony become self
supporting without a great reduction in the cost of management.
16. I was in hopes of
being able to provide remunerative employment
for the Assay Department and of its becoming useful to the Colony by
the plan of coinage proposed in by my Despatch N
o 67 of the
14th November 1861, but the Assay Officers have recently stated so many objections to that
plan, though originally proposed by themselves, and have suggested so
large an increase in the establishment preliminary to commencing
operations that without some better guarantee
of success, and of
their zeal and ability to conduct the establishment than I have yet
to record, I cannot recommend the outlay.
17. By reducing the Staff of Officers, and the whole cost of the
Assay Department, to a parity with private Assay Offices, wherein an
equal amount of work is done by a single Assayer, and one occasional
Assistant, we might succeed in equalizing the amount of receipts
and expenditure; otherwise I regret to state that
I see no prospect
of rendering the establishment remunerative or of maintaining it
without a heavy charge to the Colony, which is certainly not met by
compensating advantages.
18. It is true that many indirect benefits do result to the
Colony from the existence of an Establishment in which the
Miner believes he can place implicit confidence, and I should
be loth to see the Government Assay at
New Westminster broken
up entirely; but I feel that I cannot with consistency
recommend its continuance on the present expensive scale. I
would therefore suggest, if Your Grace sees fit to retain
the Assay establishment at
New Westminster, that the Staff
should only consist of one Chief Assayer, and one Assistant
or operative Melter, which Staff I consider should be sufficient
to meet all the present requirements of the Colony. When business
increases beyond the compass
of such a force additions can be made.
19. With reference to the question raised in the last paragraph of
the enclosure to your Despatch as to the expediency of the removing
the Assay Department from
New Westminster to
Victoria, I would
observe that most of the foregoing remarks apply with equal force
Vancouver Island. A Government Assay Office however, would
undoubtedly do a larger amount of business at
that at
New Westminster, for the
reason that
Victoria being more
built up and settled offers greater inducement to Miners as a
resort than
New Westminster and the great body pass through the
latter place on their way to
Victoria, and to
San Francisco which
in its turn through its agreeable winter and varied amusements
carries off large numbers that would no doubt remain in
New Westminster, did they possess equal attractions, but there
still remains the fact before
shewn that the whole receipts from the
Gold assayed under existing circumstances in both Colonies would not
suffice to cover the expense of the present Government Establishment
New Westminster alone.
20. The Legislature of
Vancouver Island
have upon several occasions discussed the matter of the
establishment of the Assay Office, and even of a Mint at
and I believe all parties in
Island are alive to
the benefits that would thereby accrue, and I doubt not that the
Legislature would readily vote the funds necessary for the support
of a Establishment on a commensurate scale, should Your Grace
after what I have herein stated, decide to abolish the Establishment
New Westminster, to re-organize it on a more economical footing
Victoria. I do not however believe that a Government Establishment
Victoria, even on a reduced scale, would be self-supporting
for the first year or two, but the indirect advantages resulting
therefrom would probably more than compensate the balance of
expenditure over receipts.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
From the tenor of this despatch the inference, I think, is
Governor Douglas has
not complied with the application of
the Officers of the Assay
Dt for an increase of salary. I do
not indeed see how more pay c
d be assigned to them when no issue
of the gold pieces—on acc
t of which their claim for increased
remuneration was based—has yet taken place.
Schemes cannot always be successful. And in a young Colony
there must be many disappointments before great successes can be
obtained; not that I think, however, that in
B.C. failures have
preponderated. As regards the present case though the result of

establishment of an Assay
Dt has not been equal to the
anticipations we were lead to entertain I cannot but think the
measure has been servicable to the interests of the Colony, &
that in time it will prove a more complete success. It is clear
that, at present, the establishment ought to be reduced, and made
commensurate with the wants of the community. But I hope the
of Newcastle will not think it necessary to encourage the suggestion
thrown out by
Govr Douglas of transferring the Assay
Dt to
VanC. Island.
I presume that this
desph will be referred to the T-y, who
Capn Gossett's letter of the
10 Nov. last, under their
I apprehend that the practical course will be simply to
forward this to the Treasury, as above proposed, for their consideration.
The representation which I have always heard on behalf of
Vancouver Island is to the following effect, that the miners
when they return from the diggings weary of their wild life and
eager to exchange it for the pleasures and comforts of a civilized
Town, will not remain at
New Westminster which holds out no attractions,
but hurry on to
Victoria. If there were an Assay Office there, they

probably use it, but they will not remain at an uninviting
and inferior place on the river exclusively for the purpose of
getting their gold assayed.
I repeat the representation for what it may be worth, but I
must confess that it seems to me to have a great deal of inherent
probability. My belief is that nature has formed
Victoria to be
the Commercial Capital of the whole of the British Territory in
that part of the World, and that although a few persons interested
in land around the Town formed in
B. Columbia might fight stoutly
for trying to nurse it into a Capital, no efforts or policy can
ever convert it into a great Port. A glance at the Chart, and an
account of the approaches must be enough to convince anyone
acquainted with seafaring that vessels fitted for carrying on an
ocean traffic would never frequent such a place as
New Westminster
if they have the alternative of such a one as
Duke of Newcastle
Even if the removal of the Assay Office to
Victoria wd be
the right thing to do, it is certain that the B. Columbians would
regard it as a design of
Govr Douglas' to favour
Vancouver I—so
that it would be a mistake to do it at present. But there can
be little doubt of the necessity of reducing the establishment so
necessary in the first instance?
The quantity of Gold assayed in 1862, however small, was nearly
double the quantity assayed in 1861.
I agree on both points with
Mr Fs minute.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"Return of the Amount of Work Performed in the Assay Office Month by Month since it
Came into full operation, The Actual Current Cost of the office, and the Receipts
up to the latest period," signed by
W.A.G. Young, Auditor,
17 March 1863.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
Frederick Peel, Treasury,
22 June 1863, forwarding
copy of the despatch for consideration.