I have the honor to transmit for Her Majesty's approval,
a Proclamation entitled "The Legal Professions Act
having for object the removal of existing restrictions in
British Columbia against the admission of Colonial Barristers
and Solicitors to practise in the Courts of that Colony, and
to regulate the admission
of duly qualified practitioners by
statue instead of—as anterior to the passage of this Act—by
Order of Court.
2. By this Act there may be admitted to be enrolled as
Barristers of the Supreme Court of
British Columbia all
persons of good conduct and repute who
may have taken the
Degree of Doctor of Civil Law at any University in the United
Kingdom or who have been duly called or admitted to Practice
in any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts in any part of Her
Majesty's dominions, and also all persons of good conduct
and repute who shall have been duly instructed within the
Colony in the knowledge
and practice of Law; and as Solicitors
and Attornies of the said Court all persons actually enrolled
and entitled to practise as Solicitor, Attorney or Proctor
in any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Law in any part
of Her Majesty's dominions, and also all persons who may be
instructed within the Colony in the knowledge and practise
of Law according to such
regulations as may hereafter be
by Law, in that behalf established.
3. I also transmit herewith the Attorney Generals
report which fully explains the character of the Act, and
I trust it will be found in accordance with the views of
Her Majesty's Government.